Bavarian youth performance test

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Bavarian Youth Achievement Badge.jpg

The Bavarian youth performance test is a performance badge of the Free State of Bavaria for all members of fire departments . It can be purchased between the ages of 14 and 18. The main purpose of the performance badge is to convey basic knowledge of fire service to the participants in advance.


The Bavarian youth performance test was introduced on March 30, 1983 by the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior . It is based on No. 6.6 of the announcement by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior on the implementation of the Bavarian Fire Brigade Act (VollzBekBayFwG).


Participants are Bavarian fire brigade candidates between the ages of 14 and 18. In addition, firefighters of the same age from other federal states and abroad are also allowed to participate. Fire brigade candidates from fire brigades without a youth fire brigade are also allowed to participate. Fire brigade gloves, firefighter boots (up to 16 sturdy shoes), training suit and firefighter helmet are to be worn during acceptance. The devices used should comply with the standards and accident prevention regulations. The acceptance is carried out by two Bavarian fire department referees and a timekeeper. The exam is divided into 3 parts:

Individual exercises

The individual exercises are carried out alone.

Creating a mast throw

The participant has to attach a mast throw to a suction strainer that is attached to a fire service pump. The target time is 10 s.

Attach a fire line

The participant should attach a mast throw with a half-blow to a fire hose with a C-jet pipe and thus hold the hose up. Target time is 20s.

Put on a chest band

The participant has to put on a chest band / rescue knot on another fire brigade candidate . The target time is 40 s.

Ejection of a double-rolled C-hose

The participant has to eject a double-rolled C-hose four meters. Target time is 15s.

Target throw with a fire line

The participant must throw a fire brigade line 7 meters precisely. The target time is 15 s.

Troop exercises

The following troop exercises are carried out together. The fault points are credited to both participants.

Coupling of 2 suction hoses

Two participants couple two suction hoses as a water troop with a hose troop as helpers . A suction basket is attached to one of the two suction hoses . The target time for this is two 25s.

Coupling of a jet pipe to a C-hose troop

Two participants have to couple a jet pipe to a C-hose and have to take the position of an attack force. Target time is 15s.

Target spraying with the bucket syringe

The participants have to fill a bucket syringe and inject around a bucket. Target time is 30 s.

Recognizing and assigning water-bearing fittings, couplings and accessories

17 parts have to be divided into four tasks by the two participants. You have 35 seconds for this.

Coupling together a 90 m long C line

The squad has to couple 6 C-hoses together in 55 s.

Theory questions

The participants have to answer a questionnaire within five minutes by ticking a cross.

Exam evaluation

Participants have passed the performance test if they have fewer than 35 fault points. If you have less than 50 error points, you can repeat the exam on the same day.


After passing the exam, the participants receive the youth achievement badge. It is worn on the right breast pocket.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cäcilia Wagner: JF Bavaria. Retrieved August 8, 2019 .
  2. Youth performance test. State Fire Brigade School Würzburg, accessed on August 8, 2019 .