Behzad Nabavi

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Behzad Nabavi (2016)

Behzad Nabavi ( Persian بهزاد نبوی Behsad Nabawi ; * 1941) is an Iranian politician. He was a co-founder of the reform-oriented party Organization of the Mujahedin of the Islamic Revolution and at times also deputy speaker of parliament.


Nabavi began his political career underground fighting against the Pahlavi dynasty , for which he had to spend some time in prison from 1972. During the Islamic Revolution he co-founded the committees of the Islamic Revolution, which cracked down on opposition groups. He also founded the later Ministry of Intelligence and Security.

After the prolonged occupation of the US embassy in Tehran , he acted as chief negotiator in talks with the US about the release of the hostages.

Nabavi is also a member of the Central Committee of the Islamic Revolution. Nabavi is in several state oil companies and Chairman of the Board of Petro Pars.

As a member of parliament, Nabavi is one of the greatest critics of the Guardian Council .

See also