Announcement regarding the dissolution of the resident police in Bavaria

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With the announcement concerning the dissolution of the resident services in Bavaria on June 24, 1921 ( RGBl. P. 759), the government immediately declared so-called resident service within Bavaria to be dissolved. The Wirth cabinet thus complied with the London ultimatum of May 5, 1921, with which the Allies had called, among other things, to fulfill the demilitarization laid down in the Versailles Treaty .

The formal authorization of the announcement resulted from § 1 of the law for the implementation of Articles 177, 178 of the peace treaty of March 22, 1921 (RGBl. P. 235). In connection with the arms restrictions of the Versailles Treaty, Article 177 also prohibited the formation of paramilitary associations in the manner of the resident police.

However, the tenor of the announcement was mostly not followed in Bavaria. In some cases, Fememorden fell victim to those who followed or supported the order . These were committed when the criminal prosecution of right-wing extremists was often inadequate or not available during the political situation known under the euphemism " Bavarian order cell ".

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Individual evidence

  1. Ulrike Claudia Hofmann: "Traitors fall for the distance!". Femicide in Bavaria in the twenties . Böhlau Verlag, Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 2000, ISBN 3-412-15299-4, p. 50 ff.