Benefit house (Apfeltrach)

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Former benefit house in Apfeltrach

The former benefit house in Apfeltrach , a municipality in the Unterallgäu district , Bavaria , was built before the 18th century and repaired in 1720. In the 17th century the building served as an apartment for the governor. In place of the original building, the existing listed building was erected in 1848. The two-storey building with a gable roof is located immediately south of the Leonhardskirche , which it also adjoins. It has bevelled arched windows and corner pilasters on the narrow eastern side . There is a stucco frieze on the east gable. In the middle of the southern main front, which consists of five axes , access to the house is through an arched door. The profiled eaves cornice is made of wood .


  • Heinrich Habel: Mindelheim district . Ed .: Torsten Gebhard, Anton Ress (=  Bavarian Art Monuments . Volume 31 ). Deutscher Kunstverlag, Munich 1971, p. 46 .

Web links

Commons : Former Benefiziatenhaus (Apfeltrach)  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation: Entry D-7-78-113-7

Coordinates: 48 ° 1 ′ 21 ″  N , 10 ° 29 ′ 42 ″  E