Benxinzhai shushipu

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The Chinese book Benxinzhai shushipu ( Chinese本心 斋 疏 食谱 or 本心 斋 蔬 食谱, also called Shushipu疏 食谱 or 蔬 食谱 for short; "Vegetarian recipes from the study of the heart's content") is the title of one of the earliest Chinese works on the vegetarian cuisine of Chen Dasou (陈 达 叟) from the Song Dynasty . It consists of a booklet (juan).

It describes a total of twenty vegetarian dishes, mainly made from vegetables and fruits. It is relatively easy to manufacture. Behind each dish there is a short poem of praise (zàn 赞) made up of 16 characters (four lines of 4 characters each), which briefly outlines the particular taste of the respective dish.

Note on the different spellings in the book title

The characters 疏 (shū) and 蔬 (shū) were interchangeable in ancient times, with the word shūshí 疏 食 in the title, the modern Chinese word sùshí 素食 (“vegetarian food”) is meant, a word that also means “simple food” " is used.

Headings (selection)

Some of the chapter headings named after vegetarian ingredients are as follows: vegetable puree (càigēng 菜羹), Chinese leek (jiǔcài 韭菜), yam root (shānyao 山药), bamboo shoots (sǔn 笋), lotus root (ǒu F), vermicelli made of mung bean starch (lnnoodles made from mung bean starch ) , fungi (Jun菌), hand-drawn "butterfly noodles" ( noodles ) (shuǐyǐn húdiémiàn水引蝴蝶面) with, cane sugar filled and in a with crushed Mark wood of the Adler tree boiled flavored broth Sticky rice (shuǐtuán水团), grains dishes without extras every ( báimǐfàn 白 米饭)

Shuǐtuán: text and poem of praise

The Chinese word shuǐtuán (水 团) describes sticky rice dumplings filled with cane sugar and cooked in a broth flavored with crushed marrow of the eagle tree.

The original text: “秫 粉 包 糖 , 香 汤 浴 之。” reads in German: “ Dumplings made from glutinous rice are filled with sugar and bathed in a flavored broth.”

The text of the praise poem: "团团 秫 粉 , 点点 蔗 霜 , 浴 之 沉 水 , 清 甘 且 香。" reads in German: "All around sticky paste, a little cane sugar, in a broth with the (crushed) marrow of the eagle tree bathed, a pure sweet and aromatic taste. "


In Siku quanshu zongmu tiyao , Benxin Weng 本心 瓮 is cited as the author of the book, Chen Dasou was his student and had helped him with the collection. However, the question of authorship has not yet been finally clarified.

Early prints

Early prints are included in the Baichuan xuehai and Congshu Comprehensive Book collections , among others .

Modern editions

The work is relatively easily accessible and reliably edited in the comprehensive collection of Congshu books, in the first volume of the Japanese series Chugoku shokkei sosho, and in the Zhongguo pengren guji congkan series .

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Here and in the following we essentially follow the presentation of Zhongguo pengren wenxian tiyao, p. 30.