Zhongguo pengren wenxian tiyao

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The Zhongguo pengren wenxian tiyao ( Chinese :中国烹饪文献提要; overview of important documents of Chinese food and drink culture ), edited by Tao Zhengang (陶振纲) and Zhang Lianming (张廉明) is, in 1986 Beijing published by Zhongguo Shangye chubanshe published .

In chronological order, it presents 156 sources on Chinese eating and drinking culture from the pre-Qin period to 1944. The appendix contains an overview of the 47 historical Chinese sources contained in the Japanese compilation Chugoku shokkei sosho (Japanese 中国 食 经 丛书; Chinese reading: Zhongguo shijing congshu; collection of historical sources on Chinese eating and drinking culture ), which the two Japanese sinologists Shinoda Osamu (筱 田 统) and Tanaka Seiichi (田中静 一).

It is provided with an alphabetically sorted index to the book titles and authors' names and is currently the most important overview of sources on the history of Chinese eating and drinking culture and also Chinese dietetics. It is also relevant for the history of medicine.


  • Hsing-Tsung Huang: Fermentations and Food Science , Part 5 of Biology and Biological Technology , Volume 6 of Science and Civilization in China , edited by Joseph Needham. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2000, ISBN 0521652707

See also