Berdmore Palm Squirrel

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Berdmore Palm Squirrel
Order : Rodents (Rodentia)
Subordination : Squirrel relatives (Sciuromorpha)
Family : Squirrel (Sciuridae)
Subfamily : Squirrel (Callosciurinae)
Genre : Menetes
Type : Berdmore Palm Squirrel
Scientific name of the  genus
Thomas , 1908
Scientific name of the  species
Menetes berdmorei
( Blyth , 1849)

The Berdmore Palm Squirrel ( Menetes berdmorei ) is a species of squirrel native to mainland Southeast Asia . The distribution area extends from the east of Myanmar to Vietnam ; however, it is missing on the Malay Peninsula .


This little known squirrel is gray-brown on the top and whitish on the underside. The longitudinal stripes on the side are striking: On each side you can see a beige-colored stripe and a black stripe underneath. The head is pointed so that this squirrel is reminiscent of a mouse, but even more of a pointed squirrel . The head body length is 20 cm, plus 15 cm tail.

Way of life

As a ground-dwelling squirrel, the Berdmore's palm squirrel rarely climbs trees. It is mostly hidden in the undergrowth of the rainforests. Often it also penetrates into fields and villages. It is ubiquitous in some places in rice fields . Despite this frequency, Berdmore palm squirrels have hardly been researched so far, so that next to nothing is known about their way of life.


The Berdmore palm squirrel is the only species in the monotypical genus Menetes . It was in 1849 by Edward Blyth as Sciurus berdmorei from the region Tenasserim in Myanmar described.

supporting documents

  1. ^ JL Koprowski, EA Goldstein, KR Bennett, C. Pereira Mendes: Genus Menetes. In: Don E. Wilson, TE Lacher, Jr., Russell A. Mittermeier (Eds.): Handbook of the Mammals of the World: Lagomorphs and Rodents 1. (HMW, Volume 6) Lynx Edicions, Barcelona 2016, ISBN 978- 84-941892-3-4 , p. 729.
  2. Menetes In: Richard W. Thorington Jr., John L. Koprowski, Michael A. Steele: Squirrels of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2012; P. 172. ISBN 978-1-4214-0469-1


  • JL Koprowski, EA Goldstein, KR Bennett, C. Pereira Mendes: Genus Menetes. In: Don E. Wilson, TE Lacher, Jr., Russell A. Mittermeier (Eds.): Handbook of the Mammals of the World: Lagomorphs and Rodents 1. (HMW, Volume 6) Lynx Edicions, Barcelona 2016, ISBN 978- 84-941892-3-4 , p. 729.
  • Menetes In: Richard W. Thorington Jr., John L. Koprowski, Michael A. Steele: Squirrels of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2012; P. 172. ISBN 978-1-4214-0469-1
  • Ronald M. Nowak: Walker's Mammals of the World. 2 volumes. 6th edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD et al. 1999, ISBN 0-8018-5789-9 .

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