Area estimator

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A range estimator is a specific estimator in mathematical statistics . In contrast to a point estimator , range estimators are set-valued images , i.e. they assign a set to each outcome of a statistical experiment and not a single value. These sets are mostly ellipses, spheres or intervals. In the latter case, one speaks of an interval estimator .

Range estimates form the mathematical basis for determining confidence ranges . These are the quantities for which a given coverage probability is guaranteed.

As with decision functions, a distinction is made between randomized and non- randomized range estimators.

Non-randomized area estimators

A measurement room and a statistical model are given . Then a figure is called

a (non-randomized) range estimator if for each the amount

is contained in σ-algebra . is called the acceptance range of and contains all elements of the basic set which, when they occur, cover the value .


Let the measurement room be given and the product model as a statistical model


that models the 100-fold coin toss. denotes the Bernoulli distribution . A typical interval estimator would then be a mapping that assigns an interval around the arithmetic mean to each outcome of the experiment. If this is called and is , then the function would be

an area estimator.

Strictly speaking, one would still have to cut the interval in order to guarantee, even for larger ones, that it is always a subset of the basic set of the measuring area.

Classification as decision-making functions

Range estimators can be represented as set-valued decision functions in the general framework of a statistical decision problem. To do this, one chooses the σ-algebra as the basic set of the decision space . The elements of the basic set of the decision space are then sets. The σ-algebra on the basic set of the decision space is defined via that of the auxiliary sets

generated σ-algebra . Then the function is a measurable function and thus a non-randomized decision function .

Randomized range estimators

Using this construction, a randomized range estimator can then also be defined: This is a Markov kernel from to , that is, for :

  • For each is a probability measure on .
  • For each there is a measurable function.

is then the likelihood of opting for a crowd if occurs .


Common methods for constructing range estimates include: a. Pivot statistics and approximate pivot statistics .
