Berlin School for Drama

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The Berlin School for Acting in Berlin-Friedrichshain was founded in 1992 and is a state-recognized vocational school for actors . The drama students are eligible for BAföG . The training lasts three and a half years. The artistic director of the school is the actor and director Ekkehardt Emig. About 70 drama students are taught.

According to its own account, the school “attaches great importance to the careful and methodical teaching of the acting craft, which includes an ethical attitude towards role and profession. The poetic theatricalization of social processes is a central subject of teaching and learning processes. "(Website of the school)

Since 2002, the school has also taught "Acting techniques in film" as part of the regular course in the form of a basic seminar with subsequent practical exercises. The school works with the directing classes at the Potsdam Film and Television University .

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