Bernard Abbatia

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Bernard Abbatia (also Bernard Abatia ; * between 1530 and 1540 in Toulouse ; † around 1590) was a French astrologer , doctor and lawyer .

Little is known about the life and work of Bernard Abbatia; some information about him is conveyed mainly by his contemporary, the French scholar and bibliographer François Grudé , sieur de La Croix du Maine. He reports that Abbatia taught law, mathematics, medicine and astrology in Paris . However, there is no evidence that Abbatia actually held a chair at the University of Paris . He died around 1590.

Abbatia is said to have written a general description of the plants under the title Grand Herbier , but it was never printed and the manuscript of which has been lost. The only work written by his own hand that has survived is a 40-page book Prognostication sur le mariage de très honoré et très aimé Henry par la grâce de Dieu roy de Navarre et de très illustrious princesse Marguerite de France (Paris 1572) in which he sought, among other things, to determine the presumed happiness of the royal couple Heinrich von Navarra and Margarete von Valois according to the influence of the stars.


  • J. Boyer: Abbatia 2) . In: Dictionnaire de biographie française . Vol. 1 (1932), Col. 64.