Bernat de Roudor

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Bernat de Roudor (* 13th century in the Catalan comarca Llobregat ; † 14th century ) was a knight of the Catalan Company , a mercenary army founded by Roger de Flor in 1302. He was one of three survivors of the attack on this mercenary army on April 30, 1315 by the Byzantine Emperor Michael IX. Palaiologos , which had taken place on the occasion of an invitation of this troop to Adrianople . Michael IX. wanted to get rid of the army, which had become uncomfortable due to controversial pay demands, with this attack.

According to the chronicler Ramon Muntaner , Bernat comes from the Catalan comarca (Gau) Llobregat. He lived in the 13th and 14th centuries. He was also referred to as Berenguer . He was the third survivor of the Michael IX attack , along with Ramon Alquer and Ramon de Tous . on the Catalan Company, in which around 1300 Catalan knights were murdered. The three survivors had initially fled into a bell tower, holed up and finally defended themselves there in a heroic way. In this way they won respect from the Byzantines. Michael IX. showed grace and gave them their lives.

Joaquim Rubió i Ors dedicated the Catalan-language poem Roudor de Llobregat to Bernat de Roudor .


  • Roudor, Bernat de. In: Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana , Volume 20, 2nd edition, Barcelona 1988, 3rd reprint 1992, ISBN 84-7739-021-5 , page 41

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