Career choice pass NRW

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The NRW career choice pass is an information, planning and documentation instrument with which the pupils should learn to organize their learning independently, be aware of their competence profile, evaluate and document the acquired competencies. It supports young people in their professional orientation from grade 8 and accompanies this process until after graduation. It was developed by the Ministry for Schools and Continuing Education in North Rhine-Westphalia with the participation of experts from general education schools, state and business organizations as well as municipal coordination offices. Similar to the NRW career choice pass, the career choice pass is another instrument that is used in many federal states.


The NRW career choice pass has been used as a recommended portfolio instrument in many general education schools in North Rhine-Westphalia since the beginning of the 2013/2014 school year, is specially tailored to the requirements and needs of students in NRW and takes into account the current process of career and study orientation in accordance with the state initiative " No graduation without connection ”.

This supports the pupils in their career and study orientation, in choosing a career and in entering training or studying. The aim is to open up a follow-up perspective for vocational training or studies for all young people as soon as possible after school and to avoid unnecessary waiting loops through an effective, locally coordinated overall system.

From Grade 8 at the latest, all students receive a binding, systematic and gender-sensitive career and study orientation with regular practical phases. In addition to the lessons, professional field exploration and internships are made possible in order to experience operational reality and to get to know different professional fields. Gymnasiums are included in the new transition system, as are secondary schools and special needs schools.


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