Akhtar (magazine)

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description magazine
Area of ​​Expertise politics
language Persian
publishing company unknown (Istanbul, Ottoman Empire)
First edition January 13, 1876
attitude September 7, 1896
Frequency of publication irregular
Editor-in-chief Mīrzā Mehdī Ṭābrīzī
editor Āqā Moḥammad Ṭābrīzī
Web link Aḫtar
ZDB 2786357-8

The Persian-language magazine Akhtar ( Persian اختر Akhtar , DMG : Aḫtar ; German : "Stern") was founded in 1876 at the suggestion of the then Persian ambassador Naǧaf ʾAlī Ḫān in Istanbul and appeared until 1896. Editor and director was Āqā Moḥammad Ṭābrīzī. Editor-in-chief Mīrzā Mehdī Ṭābrīzī (1839-1907) wrote most of the articles and was the founder of the Ḫoršīd publishing house in Istanbul and later editor of Ḥekmat in Cairo . Mīrzā Moḥammad ʾalī Ḫān Kāšānī, whofounded Sorayyā published in Cairo,also worked briefly for the magazine.

Aḫtar, the first non-official Persian press organ, was published almost daily at first, then twice a week and finally once a week, so that a total of more than 300 issues appeared. The circulation of this magazine ranged from many cities in Iran and the Ottoman Empire to the Caucasus and Southeast Asia. It served the Iranians in the diaspora as a mouthpiece and was used as a newsletter by the Persian embassy and consulate in Istanbul. In addition to daily political reports, there were domestic and foreign news, articles on scientific and literary topics as well as correspondent reports and letters from Iran. In February 1877, the Ottoman constitution was printed in Persian.

Although Aḫtar, as an exile newspaper, could report more freely than other newspapers, it has been suspended several times. In 1891 the magazine was banned in Iran because it sided with the initiators of the tobacco boycott. This also led to a temporary ban in the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman government finally banned the Atar only in 1896 after the assassination of ad-Dīn Šāh .

A freely accessible online version of the journal can be found in the digital collections of the University and State Library of Bonn .

Individual evidence

  1. cf. Pistor-Hatam, Anja: News sheet, information exchange and discussion forum: Aḫtar-e Estānbūl (1876-1896) - Impetus for early Persian modernism, Münster 1999.
  2. cf. Pistor-Hatam, Anja: Iran and the reform movement in the Ottoman Empire. Persian statesmen, travelers and members of the opposition under the influence of the Tanẓīmāt, Berlin 1992.
  3. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5:1-71397
  4. http://s2w.hbz-nrw.de/ulbbn/nav/classification/3085779


  • Pistor-Hatam, Anja: Iran and the reform movement in the Ottoman Empire. Persian statesmen, travelers and members of the opposition under the influence of the Tanẓīmāt, Berlin 1992.
  • Pistor-Hatam, Anja: News sheet, information exchange and discussion forum: Aḫtar-e Estānbūl (1876-1896) - Impetus for early Persian modernism, Münster 1999.

Web links