Besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (Netherlands)
The besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (literally, closed / private limited liability company ), abbreviated BV or BV is a Dutch " corporation with limited liability" and is roughly the entrepreneurial company . The Belgian equivalent is the besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (bvba).
Up to September 30, 2012, the paid-in capital was at least 18,000 euros, comparable to the 25,000 euros of the German GmbH . Since October 1, 2012, the subscribed capital only has to be at least EUR 0.01. A articles of association (articles of association) are drawn up and archived by the founding members. This must be in Dutch and state at least the following:
- the name of the company, which must end or begin with BV ,
- Registered office of the company,
- Purpose of the company,
- Amount of share capital and shares of the shareholders and
- the conditions for the transfer of shares.
The establishment is only possible through a notary . By July 1, 2011, permission was required from the Dutch Ministry of Justice, which issued a clearance certificate. Since then this is no longer necessary.
From October 1, 2012, the liability regulation has also changed fundamentally. Until then, shareholders and managing directors were only liable for the debts of the BV up to the amount of their capital contribution, except in the event of willful mismanagement or improper management. Now partners and managing directors are also privately liable if the BV can no longer pay their debts after the BV has paid dividends.
See also
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ What is a BV? , accessed June 17, 2017
- Jump up ↑ German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce: Flex-BV: Founding quickly and easily ( Memento from August 27, 2012 in the Internet Archive ), accessed on November 8, 2012