Bet Debora

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Bet Debora is a European network of Jewish feminists that emerged from an initiative founded in Berlin in 1998 . The name is made up of the Hebrew word for house and the name of the biblical heroine Debora - she was a prophet, judge and politician.


Bet Debora would like to offer a forum for exchange between Jewish women in Europe who, as rabbis, cantors, activists, community politicians, scientists or artists, help shape the renewal of Jewish life in Europe. The focus is on the dialogue between women from Eastern and Western Europe. Bet Debora is committed to promoting Jewish-feminist awareness and Jewish women's education and research on a European level and to the integration of the experiences of Jewish women into the Jewish tradition and the Jewish-feminist discourse into society as a whole.


In May 1999, Bet Debora organized the first conference of European rabbis , cantors, rabbinically learned and interested Jews in Berlin. Its aim was to shed light on the emancipation process of Jewish women taking place across Europe and to discuss the consequences of this development for the shaping of Jewish life and relationships with the non-Jewish environment. Two more conferences followed in Berlin, in 2001 with the title “The Jewish Family - Myth and Reality” and in 2003 on “Power and Responsibility”. In line with Bet Debora’s goal of intensifying the relationships and the exchange of ideas between Eastern and Western European Jewish women, the fourth conference (2006) was held in cooperation with the Budapest Jewish-feminist group Eszter Táska (“Esther's Pocket”) and the Central European University (Budapest), Department of Gender Studies, organized on the subject of “Diversities”. The 5th conference, "Migration, Communication and Home", took place in Sofia in 2009 in cooperation with the local Jewish community, followed by the 6th conference in Vienna, which dealt with the topic " Tikkun Olam - The Contribution of Jewish Women to a Better World" was dedicated. In April 2015, the seventh conference entitled “Engendering Jewish Politics - Redefining the Role of Women” took place in England. Together with the Bente Kahan Foundation (Wrocław) and the organization Czulent (Kraków), Bet Debora invited to the eighth conference in September 2016 under the motto “Creating Alternatives - Jewish Women in Europe” in Wrocław , the European Capital of Culture. Thirty years after the fall of the Iron Curtain and twenty years after the founding of Bet Debora in Berlin, Jewish women met in September 2019 for the 9th conference in Belgrade: "Jewish Women: Being Present, Bringing Change" was the topic.

Bet Debora regularly organizes events in Berlin.


  • Conference of European rabbis, cantors, rabbinically learned and interested Jews. Berlin 2000.
    • Engl. Conference of European Women Rabbis, Cantors, Rabbinically Educated and Interested Jewish Women and Men. Berlin 2000.
    • Russian Конференция европейских женщин-раввинов, женщин-канторов, получивших обраазование обраазование юра векеразование юраверазование вераверавина. Berlin 2000.
  • The Jewish family. Myth and Reality. 2nd meeting of European rabbis, cantors, Jewish scholars and activists. Berlin 2001.
    • Engl. The Jewish Family. Myth and Reality - 2nd Conference of European Women Rabbis, Cantors, Jewish Scholars and Activists. Berlin 2001.
    • Soot. Еврейская семья. Мифы и реальность - 2. конференция европейских женщин-раввинов, канторов, активистов активистов активистов активистов ндёвихих еврейского. Berlin 2001.
  • Bertha Pappenheim : prayers / prayers. With an afterword by Margarete Susman. Translated into English by Estelle Forchheimer. Edited by Elisa Klapheck and Lara Dämmig. Hentrich & Hentrich, Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-933471-41-9 .
  • Judit Gazsi, Andrea Pető, Zsuzsanna Toronyi (Eds.): Gender, Memory and Judaism. Budapest / Herne 2007, ISBN 978-963-506-742-8 .
  • Tania Reytan-Marincheshka (Ed.): Migration, Communication & Home. Jewish Tradition, Change and Gender in a Global World. Sofia 2011, ISBN 978-954-607-802-5 .
  • Bet Debora Journal: Generations / Generations. Hentrich & Hentrich, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-95565-049-0 .
  • Bet Debora Journal: Tikkun Olam - The Contribution of Jewish Women to a Better World . Hentrich & Hentrich, Berlin 2014, ISBN 978-3-95565-066-7 .
  • Bet Debora Journal: Engendering Jewish Politics - Women's Politics for Modern Judaism . Hentrich & Hentrich, Berlin 2016 ISBN 978-3-95565-131-2 .
  • Bet Debora Journal: Jewish Women in Europe: Creating Alternatives / Creating Alternatives: Jewish Women in Europe . Hentrich & Hentrich, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-95565-264-7 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marie Blöcher: Bet Debora - an international Jewish-feminist network. In: Inta - Interreligious Forum. Issue 1/2014, pp. 14-16.

Web links