Supervisor ID

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The supervisor ID (in the context of guardianship also appointment certificate , cf. § 1791 para. 1 BGB ) is a document issued by the local court ( supervisory court ) in Germany , with which the legal supervisor can legitimize himself as the legal representative of the person under care. The legal basis is § 290 No. 2 FamFG .

In contrast to the decision of the Supervision Court ( § 286 FamFG), the supervisor card does not give any reasons for setting up legal supervision, as these are not public. He only notes the areas of responsibility for which the supervisor has been appointed and, if applicable, the arrangement of reservations of consent .

The look of the supervisor ID varies depending on the dish (usually it is an orange or green leaflet in DIN A6 format ). The supervisor ID is issued and handed over by the responsible Rechtspfleger , who informs the supervisor about his duties . After the end of the care, for example due to the death of the carer or if the carer changes, the carer must return the carer ID to the court ( § 1893 in conjunction with § 1908i BGB).

Unlike a power of attorney ( Section 172 BGB), the supervisor ID does not constitute a protection of good faith for the contractual partner. The contractual partner, for example a bank or savings bank, cannot assume in good faith that the supervisory office will continue to exist just because the supervisor still presents his ID.