Company and school

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Business and School , BUS for short , is an educational project in North Rhine-Westphalia . It is an offer for pupils at secondary schools , comprehensive schools and special schools in the last compulsory school year (10th grade) who lack professional prospects. It is aimed primarily at pupils who have already repeated a class several times or who have already changed the type of school several times or who are unlikely to receive a qualification, which means that their chances of finding a job or an apprenticeship are rather low. Pupils can take part in the measure voluntarily, provided the school participates in the project and sets up a corresponding class with at least twelve students. Schools can apply to the responsible district government or the education authority to participate. The schools will receive additional teachers for the duration of the project. Cooperation between several schools is also possible.

As part of the project, so-called "BUS classes" are being set up, whose pupils take part in internships in addition to school lessons in order to gain operational experience and thus facilitate their career start. The internships run for one year and are attended two days a week. The accompanying, job-oriented school lessons take place on three days of the week. The internship positions are organized by the teachers in consultation with the students and with advice from the Federal Employment Agency . After completing the BUS class, the young people stay in contact with the teachers for nine more months. The concept provides, on the one hand, to increase the pupils' entry chances and, on the other hand, to make young employees known and familiarize them with the companies.

The legal status and statutory insurance of the participating students remains unchanged.

The project has been running since the 2001/2002 school year. It is a cooperation between the state government and the school ministry with the Federal Employment Agency, the Foundation Partners for Schools in North Rhine-Westphalia , the State Trade Promotion Agency of North Rhine-Westphalian Crafts and the Society for Innovative Employment Promotion (GIB NRW). In addition, the measure is supported by the European Social Fund supports. The participating companies can apply for financial support from the trade promotion agency. Furthermore, cooperation with the youth welfare office or socio-educational organizations, the chambers of crafts, industry and commerce as well as the local advisory boards for school and work is planned.

In the nine school years up to 2010, a total of 27,000 students took part in BUS. In the school year 2010/11, 3600 students learned in a BUS class, at the same time 4900 companies took part. The proportion of BUS graduates who enter the labor market directly has fallen steadily from 40% to 22% since the start of the project. On the other hand, the proportion who attended vocational preparation or secondary school after graduation increased.

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