District Delegates Conference

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The district delegate conference (abbreviation: BDK) is the highest decision-making body of a district student council (BSV), which is made up of student representatives from the schools in a city or district . There, student affairs are discussed and decisions are made, the board of directors and state delegates for the state student representatives (LSV) and district liaison teachers are elected.

The district delegates are elected annually from the student council (SV meeting) of each school. How many delegates a school can send is regulated by the statutes of the FSIO, usually one delegate for every 250 pupils or part thereof. If no delegates are elected from the student council or if they cannot participate in the BDK, the mandate may be assumed by any student at the school.

The distribution of speaking rights and the execution of votes follows parliamentary standards and is determined by the rules of procedure. Amendments are voted on at the following BDK.

The exact interpretation of the number of delegates, the allocation of mandates and the formation of the FSIO results from the statutes, which are mostly based on the submission of the responsible LSV.

Individual evidence

  1. district delegates conference. Retrieved February 7, 2019 .
  2. LSV NRW: sample rules of procedure BSV. Retrieved February 7, 2019 .
  3. LSV NRW: BSV model statute. Retrieved February 7, 2019 .