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The BiPRO e. V. (full name: Industry Institute for Process Optimization ) is an organization that develops information technology standards for the financial services industry in order to standardize cross-company processes.


In the club both insurance work with and brokerage firms to the standards. Members can only be legal persons (companies, corporations, clubs and associations) or partnerships that belong to the insurance or financial services industry in the broadest sense or have a process-related connection to it. In August 2019 the organization had more than 280 members.


The association was founded in 2006 and is based in Düsseldorf . Release 1 of the BiPRO standards was created in 2007 . Release 2 has been developed since 2008. Since 2019, a new generation of standards "RNext" has been developed together with the members of the association. Here, new technologies such as REST / JSON and microservices are used and not SOAP / XML , as was the case with Release 1 and Release 2.

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