Library of general and practical knowledge

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The library of general and practical knowledge , for studying and self-teaching in the main branches of knowledge and languages is a thematically structured, multi-volume reference work in German . It was published several times around 1910 and in the following years and edited by Emanuel Müller-Baden. Numerous authors are involved in the work.

The 1912 edition shows 91 to 100 thousand copies. This year it was published in 6 volumes by the German publishing house Bong & Co and was printed by Grumbach in Leipzig.

In the preface it is written that no previous knowledge is required for training through the work.


There is no alphabetical index as one is used to from dictionaries or encyclopedias. For each topic, which is named below, there is a table of contents starting with these sections. The content of a volume is always noted at the beginning of the book without a page number.

  • First volume.
    • General grammar. Basic care and rules for modern language studies.
    • Development, structure and use of the German language. Language history - linguistic theory - descent (?) Of the Indo-European languages ​​- language table - theory of understanding and style.
    • French language. Part I: Speech and language school - theory of forms. Part II: Sentence theory - Gallicisms - conversation exercises - Dictionary, French-German and German-French.
    • English language. Part I: Speech and language school - theory of forms - exercises.
  • Second volume.
    • Office science. Part I: Simple bookkeeping. Part II: Double-entry bookkeeping - American bookkeeping. III. Part: Exchange customer. IV. Part: Business Operations.
    • Commercial arithmetic. Part I: Percentage calculation - Interest calculation - Discount calculation - Date and coin calculation. Part II: bill of exchange - securities billing - goods billing - arbitrage - current accounts.
    • Commodity and technology. Food, fats, drugs, textile industry, leather, paints, metals, chemical industry, precious stones, building blocks, glass, clay, pottery.
    • Course in shorthand. I .: Gabelsberger system. II .: Stolze-Schrey system.
    • Circular script and lact script.
  • Third volume.
    • Arithmetic, including algebra. I. Arithmetic: The four basic arithmetic operations - the common fractions - decimal fractions - rule tri. II. General arithmetic (algebra): positive and negative numbers - algebraic numbers - powers - equations - proportions - roots - logarithms - compound interest calculation.
    • Planimetry. Basic terms - triangle, square, polygon - circle, areas etc. Appendix: Staking out and surveying work.
    • Stereometry and basic concepts of projection theory.
    • Trigonometry.
    • Elements of the conic sections. Ellipse, hyperbola, parabola.
    • The basics of physics. Part I: Mechanics. Part II: Electricity - Electrical engineering.
    • The basics of chemistry. Part I: Inorganic Chemistry. Part II: Organic Chemistry.
    • Photograph. History - technology - application.
    • Industry, technology and traffic. The power machines - working machines.
  • Fourth volume.
    • Mineralogy and geology. Crystallography - Minerals - General Geology - Historical Geology - Paleontology - Geological Ages.
    • Celestial science. Solar system - comets and meteors, fixed stars.
    • Weather forecast. Meteorological elements, weather forecast.
    • Botany. History, external and internal structure, living plants.
    • Zoology. History, tribes of the animal kingdom.
    • The structure of the human organism based on its natural development.
    • The construction of the human body (decomposable model of the male body).
    • General and special life science (physiology).
    • Health education (hygiene). Preservation and further development of the species - education - profession, nutrition, clothing, housing, infectious diseases, death and burial.
    • Economics and social science. Human society, economic goods, circulation of goods, distribution of goods, population theory, history of economics.
  • Fifth volume.
    • Geography. A. General geography. Part I: Basics of mathematical and physical geography. Part II: Basics of biological geography (biogeography) - The peoples of the earth. B. Geography. C. Table of the main cities in the world. D: Atlas of 42 maps.
    • History from the earliest times to the present. Part I: Ancient History. Part II: History of the Middle Ages. III. Part: Modern History. (From the Reformation to the French Revolution.) Part IV: Recent History. (From the French Revolution to the present day.)
  • Sixth volume.
    • General history of literature. I .: General literature (language - style - rhetoric - metrics - poetry). II .: Outline of world literature (with the exception of German, English and French literature). III .: German literary history. IV .: English literary history, English and German translation. V .: French literary history, French and German translation.
    • History of music.
    • General history of art. Architecture - sculpture - painting.
    • Introduction to the history of gods and legends. Religious ideas, forms of religion, cult.
    • Germanic history of gods and legends. Religious beliefs. Deities.

Authors with field of activity

L. Bauer, doctor and private lecturer at the Royal Technical University, Stuttgart; Gustav Blumschein, Cologne; Bruno H. Bürgel, astronomer, Berlin; Paul Christaller, Stuttgart; Fried. Claussen, director of the Dessau commercial school, formerly director of the Amthorschen higher commercial training institute, Gera; JH Dale, Professor of Education at Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada, formerly Extension Professor at Oxford; Oskar Damm, Leipzig; Louis U. Fischer, teacher at the commercial school in Dessau, formerly teacher at the Amthorschen higher commercial training institute, Gera; F. Fraenckel, assistant at the chemical laboratory at Heidelberg University; Banker Martin Heberlein, Eisenach; Ch. Hewelt, Charlottenburg; H. Klaatsch, professor at the University of Breslau; J. Knittel, Schwerin; Henri Laurent, Officier d'Académie, Professeur à l'Ecole Primaire Supérieure, Amiens; Hugo Müller, Berlin; Albert Neuburger, Berlin; Alb. Neupert, Reichstag stenographer, Berlin; M. Pietsch, commercial training institute, Leipzig; Friedlieb Rausch, Frankfurt a. M .; Fritz Regel, professor of geography at the University of Würzburg; Music writer Theo Schäfer, Frankfurt a. M .; Hermann Schaeffer, Leipzig; Otto Schulz, Leipzig; Geophysicist August Sieberg, technical secretary of the Imperial Main Station for Earthquake Research, Strasbourg i. E .; Government architect R. Spalckhaver, Elberfeld; Robert Sperber, member of the official stenographic office of the Prussian House of Representatives, Berlin; Edward Stilgebauer, Frankfurt a. M .; F. Strecker, Breslau; E. Teichmann, Marburg, J. Troeger, Technical University of Braunschweig; W. Varges, Kgl. Realgymnasialdirektor in Pasewalk, formerly Ruhrort; Hans Weidt, attorney, Rostock; L. Weil, doctor and specialist in gastric, intestinal and metabolic diseases, Stuttgart; H. Willgrod, public. Chemnitz commercial training institute; Frank Wilson, Modern Language Master at Clifton College, Bristol, former teacher at the Amtshorschen Higher Commercial Training Institute, Gera; J. Ziegler, Export Academy, Vienna, among others

Overview of the requirements (incomplete)

  • In 1905 there was the edition library of general and practical knowledge for military candidates (for study and self-instruction in the main branches of knowledge and languages ​​together with a detailed description of the general provisions for civil service and the career and salary conditions of military candidates in the Reich and state services)
  • In 1910 there was an edition in five volumes
  • In 1912 there was an edition in six volumes
  • In 1923 there was a reprint of the first and second volume with the name: Hand library of general and practical knowledge: Zum Studium u. Self-teaching in d. main branches of knowledge u. languages


The blue thread- stitched books are set in one column, except for the parts in the language sections. The cover shows an oval tree on the front. The edges of the book result in a grain that shows a mixture of plant shapes, air and water. The contents are printed in old German script on sepia-colored paper. The images are engravings .

Individual evidence

  1. OPAC of the University Library Kassel, accessed on September 19, 2014
  2. ^ Entry in the catalog of the German National Library, accessed on September 19, 2014