Beer wedding

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The beer wedding is a custom that is celebrated nine months after the wedding.


Nine months after the white wedding , the wedding day, the beer wedding is celebrated. This custom only established itself in the German-speaking area in the last few decades, but its origin is not clearly documented.

Traditionally, the beer wedding is only celebrated when the woman is not yet pregnant after nine months, because beer consumption is said to increase fertility ; but only if the beer is consumed in moderation.

regional customs

The festival is usually organized as a surprise celebration by family, friends and groomsmen. Drinking games are just as welcome a change as organizing a barbecue party with the motto "beer". Sitting comfortably together is the focus of the beer wedding. The beer wedding is by no means an invitation to get drunk, but rather it should remind of the sparkling and drinkable things after nine months of marriage and give fertility a boost.

If the woman is already pregnant nine months after the wedding, the beer wedding is traditionally canceled. Still, many couples choose to host a small celebration.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Peter Brauers: Wedding customs. The somewhat different non-fiction book about the wedding. Books on Demand , 2009, ISBN 9-783-837035-414, p. 114.