Frame rate

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In photography, the image sequence time is the length of time after a recording, after which the camera can take a subsequent image. The achievable frame rate is the reciprocal of the frame rate .

The image sequence time depends, among other things, on:

  • the speed of the camera-internal image processing and compression ,
  • the file size of the image file,
  • the size of a buffer memory inside the camera and
  • the speed of the storage medium .

In addition to high-resolution image sequences, many digital cameras also offer other operating modes for faster image sequences ( ultra high-speed mode), but the camera resolution and thus the file size are reduced to XGA , SVGA or even VGA dimensions.

In addition, the functionality of the autofocus for fast image sequences may have to be taken into account: apart from a few top models, the autofocus of a compact camera usually saves the measured sharpness with the first picture and does not track it for subsequent pictures. Most modern SLR cameras, on the other hand, offer focus tracking during the image sequence.

See also

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