Bishop (unit)

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Bishop was a German paper format . It was in use until the DIN formats were introduced around 1922.

The Kur-Märkische Kammer determined the format on October 14, 1765. The dimensions were originally declared in feet and inches (values ​​in brackets).

One bishop was the equivalent of a sheet of paper measuring 38 centimeters (1 foot 2 inches) by 48 centimeters (1 foot 4 3/4 inches). The ream weighed about 12 pounds with packaging .

Other formats were e.g. B. Concept paper (2 formats), Adler Herren paper and Relationship paper.


  • Gustav August Heinrich Lamotte: Practical contributions to cameral science for the cameralists in the Prussian states, and especially those who work on camera matters in Churmärk. Volume 2, Verlag Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf, Leipzig 1784, p. 332.
  • Helmut Kahnt, Bernd Knorr: Old measures, coins and weights: a lexicon . Licensed edition of the Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig. Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim / Vienna / Zurich 1986, ISBN 3-411-02148-9 , p. 37 .