Blockchain certificate

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A blockchain certificate refers to the issue of a structured financial product as part of a blockchain .

Financial products of this type, so-called bearer bonds , are issued by issuers . The relevant documents that describe an issue are deposited with Clearstream or other central securities depositories in accordance with the previous market standard . By using blockchain technology, the issuing process can be redesigned so that the role of the central securities depository is taken over by a (public) blockchain. In practice, there have so far been no examples showing this possibility. In addition, there are discussions as to whether other fields in dealing with certificates can be simplified by blockchain technology.

The world's first certificate in a public blockchain was issued on March 16, 2018 under English law. The issue was carried out under the supervision of the Financial Conduct Authority under the FCA sandbox. The issuer was the Luxembourg certificate platform CharteredOpus.

Individual evidence

  1. Nivaura brings blockchain into financial investments - The Treasurer. Retrieved June 4, 2018 .
  2. Security Settles on Ethereum in Blockchain Post-Trade First - CoinDesk . In: CoinDesk . March 16, 2018 ( [accessed June 4, 2018]).
  3. Microsoft helps launch world's first blockchain-based investment product . In: Microsoft News Center UK . March 21, 2018 ( [accessed June 4, 2018]).