Criticism of Confucius Institutes

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The Confucius Institute's program , which began setting up centers for Chinese teaching in 2004 , has been the subject of criticism , concern and controversy during its international expansion .

Many of these arise from the ratio of Confucius Institutes to the authorities of the Communist Party of China , leading to criticism of the undermining of academic freedom at the host universities, participation in industrial and military espionage , the monitoring of Chinese students in foreign countries and the attempt , led the Chinese government's political agenda on controversial issues such as human rights , Taiwan , Tibet and Falun Gong . There are also concerns about the financial and academic viability of the institutes, the quality of teaching and relationships with the Chinese partner universities.

Confucius Institutes have defended their institutions and compared them with other cultural funding organizations such as Alliance française and the Goethe Institute . However, unlike the Alliance francaise or the Goethe Institute, many Confucius Institutes operate directly on campus, creating unique concerns about academic freedom and political influence. Some observers have noted that the Confucius Institutes largely confine themselves to teaching culture and language programs, and staff at the institutes see political and controversial issues such as human rights and democracy rather than outside the scope of the mission of a Confucius Institute.


The Confucius Institute's program began in 2004 and is funded by the quasi-state office of the Chinese Language Council International (colloquially Hanban ), which is run by Politburo member and Vice Prime Minister Liu Yandong , the former head of the United Labor Front Central Division of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is directed. Hanban is ruled by a "Council of High State and Party Officials" made up of a variety of party and state ministries, including the Foreign Ministry , the Education Office, and the State Council Information Office (also known as the Foreign Propaganda Office). Marshall Sahlins of the University of Chicago describes Hanban as "an instrument of the party state that acts as an international educational organization." The institutes work with local partner colleges and universities around the world. The associated Confucius classroom program works with secondary schools and school districts to provide Chinese language teachers and classroom materials.

The Confucius Institute has grown rapidly from a college campus in Seoul in 2004 to over 400 worldwide in 2013, and opposition to the program "has grown almost as much". Critics have accused Confucius Institutes of restrictive recruitment practices and of “propaganda” on issues such as the legitimacy of the Taiwanese state and the origins of the Korean War .

A large number of the first Confucius Institutes to open outside of China were also coordinated with commercial or diplomatic overtures. Still, there is no question that the spectacular spread of these institutes, which have become so popular in the United States, was due to the parody of Jon Stewart's The Daily Show . Lionel Jensen, co-author of the book: China in and beyond the Headlines, stated that this can be seen as evidence of this "spectacular spread" of the Confucius Institutes in the United States .

Goal setting

Confucius Institutes have set themselves the task of promoting knowledge of the Chinese language and culture abroad and promoting economic and trade cooperation. As part of the foreign policy goals of the Chinese Communist Party , the institutes serve as instruments of cultural diplomacy to strengthen China's soft power abroad.

The official Communist Party literature describes the institutes in the context of Hu Jintao's soft power initiatives aimed at influencing the perception of China and its policies abroad. Li Changchun , the fifth-highest ranking member of the Politburo Standing Committee , was quoted in The Economist magazine as saying that the institutes are "an important part of Chinese propaganda overseas."

The Economist noted that China “has been careful not to encourage these language centers to advance the party's political views, and little suggests that they do,” but also noted the important goal of giving the world a “right one “To convey understanding of China and efforts to turn against Chinese dissident groups overseas, such as Tibetan independent activists, democracy groups and Falun Gong.

Alan H. Yang and Michael Hsiao cited the three so-called "T-words" of the Hanban ( Taiwan , Tibet and Tiananmen ), which are anathema to the Confucius Institutes and are not for discussion, and said that the simple mission and that The aim of the Confucius Institutes is to "improve and reshape the image of China", as it was recalibrated and discussed by the Beijing government.

Lionel M. Jensen, Associate Professor of East Asian Languages ​​and Cultures at the University of Notre Dame , although he noted that "there have been no events in which the academic freedom of the host university has been expressly threatened by the Hanban authorities," he said Concerns about educational goals and the quality of teaching. Jensen said Hanban reduced the diversity of Chinese cultures to a "uniform, picturesque commodity," characterized by Chinese opera and dance performances that he calls "cultural retention." That is, "the curtailment of Chinese civilization in the name of digestible forms of cultural attraction can easily be shipped overseas".

Randolph Kluver, director of the Confucius Institute at Texas A&M University , said the soft power paradigm is not enough to understand Confucius Institutes. It could be better understood within a “communicative paradigm” that brings China's cultural resources into a global conversation about values, politics and culture . Kluver concluded that despite the stance of the Chinese government, the Confucius Institutes have little influence on attitudes towards Chinese political agendas.

Jane Perlez, foreign correspondent for The New York Times magazine , reported that the 2013 Pew Research Center poll found China's approval rating in the United States fell 14 percentage points in two years, the lowest rating for China in every region of the world. Perlez cited an article in the Journal of Contemporary China by Tao Xie, professor of political science at Beijing University for Study Abroad , who said in an interview that his analysis "was rejected by Chinese scientific publications because it criticized the Confucius Institutes, the the Chinese government has opened in many countries. ”Professor Tao statistically analyzed the data from the 2007 Pew Research Center study for factors that influence China's national image . Assuming that Chinese Foreign Direct Investment would increase recipients' positive public perception of China, Tao tested and disproved a hypothesis that “the number of Confucius Institutes in a country is positively related to the positive opinions of China among the people of that country should. "Tao presented methodically found that the number of institutions, many endogenous ( endogeneity and exogeneity are) in statistical terms, because the Hanban most Confucius institutes in Europe and North America have opened," are where the perceptions of China have been the worst ". Professor Tao concludes that "the Confucius Institutes and classrooms have failed to reverse the rather negative image of China in most of the countries in which they are located."

Liu Yunshan , director of the Communist Party's Propaganda Department , told a 2014 Dublin conference that the Confucius Institutes were born at the right moment, describing them as a "high-speed spiritual railroad" that fosters friendship by promoting "Chinese dreams." connect with those of the rest of the world.

Perceived influences

Further information: Hanban

A number of criticisms of the Confucius Institutes result from their relations with the Chinese government, which they exercise through the office of the Chinese Language Council International or Hanban. The Hanban website states that Confucius Institutes and Classrooms are non-profit educational institutions, but they have close ties with several high-ranking Communist Party officials, including current Hanban chairman and Politburo member Liu Yandong, who was formerly the head of the United Labor Front Central Division . The Hanban members include twelve Chinese government institutions, from the Ministry of Education to the State Council Information Office (or Foreign Propaganda Office) and the State Commission on Development and Reform , through organizations dealing with finance , overseas Chinese , foreign policy , foreign trade , culture and deal with all media organizations. The "United Front Work" is a concept that dates back to the Chinese Civil War and refers to "Beijing's efforts to identify friends and isolate enemies." The logic here is that true friends identify enemies and isolate them from the Chinese Communist Party while hiding any evidence of direct involvement by the party itself. Steven W. Mosher , President of the Population Research Institute, testified that the purpose of the United Labor Front Central Division is " subversion , co-option and control, " claiming that one of the main goals of the Confucius Institutes was to "promote Western academic discourse on matters affect, undermine, co-opt and ultimately control China. "

An article in the state-run China Daily said, "The work of the Confucius Institutes is misunderstood from time to time," citing the example of Mosher who called the Confucius Institute " Trojan horses with Chinese characteristics." Xu Lin, general manager of the Hanban, said: "The Confucius Institutes are definitely not Trojan horses because we do not have weapons in our hands." An article in the Asian Survey raises concerns about a "Trojan horse effect" of the Confucius Institute. “The Confucius Institute project can be seen on one side as an attempt to increase Chinese language learning and appreciation of Chinese culture, but on the other, it is part of a broader soft-power projection in China tries to win hearts and minds for political purposes ”. In addition to the Confucius Institutes, there are other ways that China can raise its cultural profile abroad: contemporary Chinese art exhibitions , television programs, concerts by popular singers, and translations of Chinese literature .

According to Fabrice De Pierrebourg and Michel Juneau-Katsuya, a number of people who hold posts in the Confucius Institute system have backgrounds in the Chinese security agencies and in the United Front Work Department, " managing important overseas dossiers ". This includes propaganda , controlling Chinese students abroad, recruiting agents among the Chinese diaspora (and among well-meaning foreigners), and long-term covert operations .

A declassified intelligence report of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) (CSIS) noted: "Beijing is eager to win the hearts and minds of the world, to strengthen not only the economic markets for power." In an interview with CBC Television told Richard Fadden, director of CSIS, that while China funded Confucius Institutes in most universities in Canada, they are run by people operating from the embassy or consulates who "organized demonstrations to deal with the so-called five Dealing with Poisons: Taiwan, Falun Gong, and Others ”. The Stockholm Institute for Security and Development Policy described the establishment of the Confucius Institutes as "an image management project whose goal is to promote the greatness of Chinese culture while countering public opinion that denies the presence of a 'China- Threat 'in the international community . "

Although the number of Indian students taking Chinese language courses increased, the Foreign Ministry rejected the idea of ​​establishing Confucius Institutes in schools because they "use culture to spread propaganda and influence." Of the more than 17 Confucius Institutes introduced in Japan since 2005 , all were in private colleges rather than prestigious national universities. "Traditionally, Chinese culture has been a major influence in Japan, but people remain concerned about the potential ideological and cultural threats posed by Chinese government projects such as the Confucius Institutes."

An article in Der Spiegel about threats from China's soft power criticized Beijing for setting up Confucius Institutes "in the hope of promoting what it sees as China's cultural superiority." German sinologists disagree on the level of government control over the system. Jörg-Meinhard Rudolph from the East Asia Institute of the University of Ludwigshafen am Rhein remarked that no German political party had financed educational institutions at German universities ( list of universities in Germany ), “but they still accept money from the undemocratic Communist Party of China”. Michael Lackner, deputy head of the Confucius Institute at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg , described the influence of German universities and said: “I'm not sure whether the headquarters of the Confucius Institute really knows what Chinese culture is . In this way, German scientists could help define Chinese culture as a world culture. "

Anne-Marie Brady, Professor of Political Science at the University of Canterbury , testified on a US and China Economic and Security Review that China regards propaganda work as the “lifeblood of the party state today” and foreign propaganda directed at the overseas community through Confucius Institutes and activities such as “root-seeking” cultural trips. Three years later, Professor Brady analogized: "If we had a US government agency that claimed it was a tool for US government propaganda, my colleagues would be indignant about such a center on campus."

There was also criticism of the appropriation of Confucius by the Communist Party. Under Mao Zedong , Confucian values ​​and teachings were perennial targets of criticism and repression that were seen as holdovers of feudalism . According to Asia Times Online , the Chinese Communist Party under Mao Zedong criticized Confucian teachings as "garbage to be thrown in the ashes of history", while the 21st century Chinese Communist Party criticized Confucianism as "assistants to the Chinese god of wealth ( and representatives of Chinese diplomacy), Cai Shen , but not used as a mentor of the Chinese soul . "

Compare with similar organizations

Confucius Institutes are often compared to cultural associations such as the British Council in Great Britain , the Goethe Institute in Germany , the Alliance Française in France , the Società Dante Alighieri in Italy and the Instituto Cervantes in Spain . For example, an editorial in the state newspaper China Daily accused opponents of the Confucius Institutes of double standards because they did not describe the Goethe Institute, Alliance Française or Instituto Cervantes as a means of propaganda or tools of cultural invasion. The editorial stated: "China is not the first country that establishes such institutions, nor does it have a monopoly on the promotion of culture in foreign countries ."

In contrast to the organizations mentioned above, however, the Confucius Model is tied to universities or other educational institutions, which leads to the suspicion that the institutes “aim less at promoting interest in China and Chinese culture itself than at that that this interest is based on the guidelines approved by the Chinese party state. "Steven Mosher notes:" In contrast to the Alliance Francaise, the Confucius Institutes are not independent of their government; In contrast to the facilities of the Goethe-Institut, they do not have their own premises. Instead, the participating universities pledge to provide office space and to cede academic control to the United Front Work Department of the Chinese Communist Party. ”Martin Davidson, executive director of the British Council, criticized comparisons between his institution and the Confucius Institutes. “We are an independent organization that operates from our own premises. They are embedded in the university campus. The real question must be about independence. ”Davidson said the Chinese are very clear about wanting to combat negative propaganda with positive propaganda:“ The danger is more of self-censorship - which is a very subtle thing. ”

Jocelyn Chey, a former diplomat and expert on relations between Australia and China , said that the Confucius Institutes are more closely administered by her government than their French counterparts. She believes the institute's program is most valuable where it supports culture and outreach. Chey explains, however, that the Confucius Institutes are "a propaganda tool for the Chinese Communist Party and not a counterpart to the Goethe Institute or the Alliance Française," and speculates that the close ties between the institutes and the Chinese Communist Party are "stupid at best “Could conduct research and, at worst, produce propaganda.” On the other hand, The Sydney Morning Herald quotes a Queensland University of Technology student : “It would be best not to use [Confucius Institutes] as 'propaganda tools' but rather as 'an instrument of Chinese cultural diplomacy to exercise and strengthen Chinese soft power around the world'. "

Confucius Institutes are also said to have similarities with the Chinese Students and Scholars Association, which has come under fire for interference by the Chinese government on American university campuses.


Confucius Institutes operated in 2009, mostly a small number of courses with an average budget of 400,000 US dollars per institution. They are jointly funded by grants from the Chinese Ministry of Education and funds from host universities; Although Hanban had set a financial goal for self-sufficiency within five years, many Confucius Institutes are struggling. David Shambaugh says that funding for the Confucius Institute "is actually being laundered by the Ministry of Education of the Communist Party's External Propaganda Department."

David Prager Branner, a Chinese professor at Columbia University , warns that accepting money from China to establish Confucius Institutes could have long-term consequences, and wonders if it would be in America's national interest . Some critics suggested that Beijing’s contributions to host universities would give the Chinese authorities too much influence over these institutions. The sizeable grants associated with the establishment of Confucius Institutes could make universities more vulnerable to pressure from Beijing to self-censor, particularly on Chinese human rights issues or other politically sensitive issues. The Economist notes that some Chinese language courses at Confucius Institutes are even paid for by the Pentagon under the National Security Language Initiative.

In January 2010, the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China announced that the winning offer (CEIECZB01-09JX033) for the construction and maintenance of the website of the Confucius Institute would be given to Hanban's subsidiary Wuzhou Hanfeng Web Technology Ltd. was awarded. (Wuzhou Hanfeng Wangluo Keji 五洲 汉 风 网络 科技 for 35.2 million yuan (US $ 5.7 million), which has been dubbed "the most expensive website in history" 史上 最贵 网站.) Chinese and foreign media reported that the Wuzhou Hanfeng Web Technology Ltd. on Wang Yongli 王永利, deputy general director of Hanban and deputy chairman of the board of the Confucius Institute, and criticized the lack of transparency (politics) and corruption by Hanban. In response, Hanban's general manager Xia Jianhui said, "The site will eventually become a learning portal that is being promoted around the world, this is a major project," claiming that Hanban did not break any rules by awarding its own subsidiary.

Maria Wey-Shen Siow, Head of the East Asia office of Channel NewsAsia , wrote in the Asia-Pacific - Bulletin of the East-West Center, that the concern about the Confucius Institute, the political overtones project, "are not entirely unfounded, but may are not fully justified. ”She points out that“ Hanban's annual budget for 2009 was only 145 million US dollars, so it would be wrong to claim that China spent massive amounts on these institutes. ”Lionel Jensen writes:“ According to a report by the In 2006, the BBC initially allocated $ 10 billion to run the Confucius Institute program. "

At a 2010 hearing of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations , Senator Richard Lugar asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton why China had established 60 Confucius Institutes in the United States, but allowed only 4 comparable US cultural centers in China, and she replied, “The Chinese government provides $ 1 million to each center, plus it covers operating costs that exceed $ 200,000 a year. We don't have that much money in the budget. "

Some critics, including within China, have expressed concern that "government support for Confucius Institutes budgets is diverting from domestic spending," while the Ministry of Education "remains inadequate budget for domestic compulsory education ". Swedish MP Göran Lindblad asked why Chinese authorities subsidize Western educational institutions when "China has ten million children without proper schools."

The financing of the Confucius Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science was viewed critically after the controversy "LSE Gaddafi left" over the acceptance of a donation of 1.5 million pounds from Libya . Christopher Hughes, professor of international relations, said the school's acceptance of about £ 400,000 from China showed that it had learned nothing from the scandal. Hughes accused the Confucius Institute of being a "divisive" and "illegitimate" propaganda organization and said its existence would damage the school's reputation. Regarding Hughes Liu Xiaoming, Chinese ambassador threw in the UK , Confucius Institute critics before, at the "outdated mentality of the Cold War, noted," answered what Hughes it was "gross interference" for Liu, over an internal LSE -Complain discussion about ethics .

On June 10, Hughes sent colleagues discussing Confucius Institute teaching materials a link to an animated video on the Confucius Institute official website in Chinese with English subtitles. It was titled "The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" (which is the official Chinese name Kangmeiyuanchao zhanzheng 抗美援朝 战争 for "Korean War") and summarized the Korean War as negative historical revisionism together. Specifically, the film explains that the Chinese were provoked to join the war because the United States bombed Chinese villages near the Korean border and manipulated the UN Security Council to pass a resolution that allowed American troops to stop the aggression against Korea. ”After the video link was circulated on Twitter , the Confucius Institute website deleted the website on June 11, but cache copies remain available. This educational animation was part of an online course on“ Chinese History ”at the “Chinese Learning for Kids & Teens” section of the Confucius Institute home page, claiming that the “United States manipulated the UN Security Council to increase aggression against Korea” and “tried to invade the entire peninsula Chinese “volunteers” of the People's Liberation Army then joined the struggle and “destroyed the aggressive ambitions of the imperialists ”, which“ increased China's international standing in the Korean War ”.

A 2012 article in The Atlantic magazine asked whether China wasted the soft-power money spent on Confucius Institutes and expensive CCTV-4 America television channel studios when wealthy Chinese seek exit visas to the US ; and asks: "What use are Confucius Institutes ... if many of the elites in their country vote with their feet and protect themselves against domestic unpredictability?"

The Economist describes the Hanban's spending on Confucius Institutes as "sizeable and rapidly growing." In 2013 it was $ 278 million, more than six times the 2006 figure. China's funding for the Confucius Institutes in many locations is about $ 100,000–200,000 a year, and sometimes more. According to an article in Foreign Policy magazine , many Chinese view this $ 278 million spending on a soft power overseas initiative as a waste of money that should be better spent building schools in poor rural areas of China.

The US National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2019 , passed in 2018, expressly prohibits the Ministry of Defense from allocating funds from the Department of Defense to Chinese-speaking departments at universities in the United States that have a Confucius Institute.


Critics of the Confucius Institutes expressed concerns that it could serve as a tool for industrial and military espionage, as well as for monitoring Chinese students abroad. The secret services of several countries have investigated Confucius Institutes, including the Canadian organization CSIS. David Matas said that “informally [the institutes] are becoming a vehicle that the Chinese government is using to intimidate academic institutions in principle to run under their guise, and also as a vehicle for infiltration and espionage on campus to find out what going on and who is hostile to their interests. "

Pierrebourg and Juneau-Katsuya also raised concerns about the relationship between the administrators of the Confucius Institute and large Chinese state-owned companies. For example, they point to the Confucius Institute at the University of Texas at Dallas , where one of the top officials is also vice president of Huawei , a Chinese telecommunications company that the US government regards as a national security threat and that has been accused of industrial espionage , albeit extensive Security clearance found no clear evidence of espionage.

The People's Daily reported that the University of Osaka Sangyo, which opened a Confucius Institute and closed again after a year, apologized formally for an employee of the Confucius Institute "a spy agency that was established in order to cultural intelligence collect “called.

Political influence

Confucius Institutes are described as the transfer of political influence in a " sublimely veiled way". Canada's Globe and Mail reported, "Despite its neutral academic appearance, the new network of Confucius Institutes has a political agenda." For example, classes would be taught using the simplified Chinese characters used in the People's Republic of China instead of the traditional Chinese characters used in Taiwan "to contribute to Beijing's goal of marginalizing Taiwan in the struggle for global influence." An article in China Heritage Quarterly criticizes the teaching of simplified characters in the context of the Confucius Institutes as "semi-literacy in Chinese". In response to the program of the People's Republic of China's Confucius Institutes, the Republic of China (Taiwan) announced the establishment of Taiwan Academies in America, Europe and Asia as part of its cultural diplomacy in 2011 . The Taiwan Academy's program is designed to promote “Taiwanese Preferred” Mandarin (language) Chinese, traditional Chinese characters, and Taiwanese topics. Marshall Sahlins also explains this claim about simplified signs that scholars have denied; the historian of the George Washington University , Edward McCord, said that many Chinese language departments simplified characters teach his own will, and the anthropologist of Lewis & Clark College , Jennifer Hubbert said, Sahlins have overlooked the fact that most trained Sinologist Chinese can read both character sets, and training in one does not preclude access to the other.

Peng Ming-min, a Taiwanese independence activist and politician , writes that although China on the surface only demonstrates its "soft power" through Confucius Institutes, "colleges and universities that have a Confucius Institute must all sign a treaty, in which they declare their support for Beijing's one-China policy . Therefore, both Taiwan and Tibet have become taboos at these institutes. ”Peng cites other examples of“ unassailable ”topics such as the Tian'anmen massacre in 1989 , the neglect of human rights in the People's Republic of China , environmental pollution in China and the imprisonment of Liu Xiaobo . However, BC attorney and China expert Clive Ansley said there were "worrying signs of growing influence of China in western university campuses" before Confucius Institutes were established. He saw evidence that public discussion of certain human rights issues was itself being censored for fear of doing poorly in admitting Chinese students.

Michael Nylan, professor of Chinese history at the University of California, Berkeley , says Confucius Institutes have become less clumsy in their demands and have learned from "early missteps" such as: B. insisting on a policy that Taiwan is part of China. Nylan conducted an informal survey of faculty and administrators at fifteen universities with Confucius institutes; "Two respondents reported that institutes exerted pressure to block guest speakers," but both events continued anyway.

Taiwan is one of the few large countries without Confucius Institutes, and academia Sinica for Asia-Pacific Studies researchers conducted a two-year research project to gather empirical evidence on Confucius Institutes. Project leader Michael Hsiao (蕭新煌), chairman of the Sociology Institute of Academia Sinica, said he had the implicit rules on taboo subjects - Taiwan, Tibet, the Dalai Lama, the Tiananmen Square massacre and Falun Gong Learned interviews with staff from Confucius host institutions in Southeast Asian countries and the United States. Hsiao called the rapid expansion of the Confucius Institutes into over 105 countries "a smart move", but also mentioned that criticism of the Confucius Institutes had arisen at universities around the world. “People who are for the institutes say they bring in income and give students the opportunity to learn Chinese. Opponents of the initiative worry that they are restricting academic freedom and reject the political machinations behind it. "

The historian Yu Ying-shih received the first Tang Prize in Sinology in 2014 . At the award ceremony he criticized the promotion of Confucianism by the Chinese Communist Party and the establishment of 465 Confucius Institutes worldwide as "all propaganda with political goals".

Censorship and Academic Freedom

Further information: Censorship in the People's Republic of China and the Taiwan conflict

Jonathan Zimmermann has formulated the question of the Confucius Institutes and academic freedom critically: “Let us assume that a cruel, tyrannical and repressive foreign government has offered to pay for American teenagers to learn their national language in our schools. Would you accept the deal? ”Zimmerman concluded that more Americans should learn Chinese, but“ on our own terms, to ensure that it also reflects our best bourgeois language of freedom, open discussion and democracy. ” Mount Holyoke College's Chinese history professor Jonathan Lipman put the dilemma of the Confucius Institute funding acceptance dilemma : “By selling a product we want, which is the Chinese language, the Confucius Institutes are powerfully bringing the Chinese government to life to the American Academy . The general pattern is very clear. You can say: we will give you this money, you will have a Chinese program and nobody will talk about Tibet. In this economy, there is a real cost to rejection. ”Professor Terry Russell of the University of Manitoba questioned the real motivation of the Hanban, fearing that the university would not be able to organize certain activities that were deemed" sensitive " for the Chinese, such as bringing the Dalai Lama onto the campus. He said, "We have a real conflict in our principles of academic freedom with the potential to have a faculty version of Chinese history and a version of the Confucius Institute taught on campus," according to Cameron Morrill, president of the faculty association at the University of Manitoba, it is inappropriate to allow any government, no matter how much money it offers, to control a university classroom. The university later decided against using Chinese government funds to set up Confucius Institutes.

In 2010, the University of Oregon “came under - and withstood - pressure from the Chinese Consul General in San Francisco ” to cancel a lecture by Peng Ming-Min (see above). Glenn Anthony May, a history professor at the University of Oregon, wrote an article in which he raised concerns that Confucius Institutes "have visible conditions." For example, the host institutions have to sign a letter of intent in support of the one-China policy. “In universities, we usually have the opportunity to discuss such topics so that professors like me and students can publicly discuss our government's policies. Hanban doesn't want such discussions for obvious reasons. ”Meiru Liu, director of the Confucius Institute at Portland State University , denies May's criticism that the institutes obstruct open discussions on issues such as the treatment of political activist Liu Xiaobo. Meiru Liu stated that although Falun Gong, dissidents and Tiananmen Square protests in 1989 were not topics that the Confucius Institute headquarters would like to see organized by the institutes, they “did not have much interest and concern from the general public are here in the US. ”Bryna Goodman, professor at the University of Oregon and the Confucius Institute director, countered May, noting that the local Confucius Institute held forums on sensitive topics like China's internet censorship and economic rules, and“ we have no topic was suggested that we would have considered inadmissible. "

The establishment of some Confucius Institutes has been rejected or blocked by faculty members at universities. The University of Pennsylvania faculty decided not to negotiate with the Confucius Institute because they feared they would interfere with the curriculum. Members of the University of Melbourne's Chinese Studies Department evicted the institute from the main university campus. Stockholm University faculty called for the Nordic Confucius Institute to be separated from the university, but an independent review rejected claims that the Chinese embassy in Stockholm used the Confucius Institute for political surveillance and to restrict academic freedom.

Jonathan Zimmerman, a historian at New York University, warned in his letter for The Christian Science Monitor that the Confucius Institutes resemble the "Mussolini model" of the 1930s that financed Italian language schools in America for fascist propaganda purposes.

A major concern of the Confucius Institutes is their response to politically sensitive and controversial material such as human rights and Taiwan. Meiru Liu, director of the Confucius Institute at Portland State University , said the local institute had sponsored lectures on Tibet, China's economic development, currency and US-China relations. Mary E. Gallagher, director of the Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan , said the institutes are free to report "which are controversial and sensitive in China." In particular, the Confucius Institute in Edinburgh sponsored a lecture by a Chinese dissident whose works are banned in China.

Lionel M. Jensen, professor of East Asian languages ​​and history at the University of Notre Dame , said: "Each Confucius Institute is a spectacular experiment in cultural mediation" but "the placement of institutes in the centers, departments and institutes of public and private Universities is unprecedented and threatens the independent research that is a prerequisite for higher education. "

In June 2014, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) urged American universities, nearly a hundred of which have Confucius Institutes, to review the price they are paying in academic freedom. The AAUP report on academic freedom states: "Confucius Institutes act as the arm of the Chinese state and are allowed to ignore academic freedom."

A June 21, 2014 editorial in the Washington Post listed recent concerns about the Confucius Institutes, including the AAUP, which advised universities to sever ties with the Confucius Institutes unless the Hanban Accords were revised negotiated, alleged violations of freedom of expression and human rights, as well as the secrecy of undisclosed contracts between schools and Hanban. He concluded that "academic freedom has no price," and recommended that if universities do not publish their Confucius Institute agreements, programs should end. The official Chinese news agency Xinhua "struck back with an angry editorial on June 24," saying that claims by the AAUP and others that the Confucius Institutes "act as the arm of the Chinese state and advance political agendas" actually reveal "less communist propaganda." than their own intolerance of exotic cultures and prejudiced notions to pollute and isolate the Chinese Communist Party ”.

Confucius Institutes worldwide


John Kaye, MP for the New South Wales Green Party , said that while teaching the Chinese language and culture is important, “students are being denied a balanced curriculum that explores controversial issues such as human rights abuses and Taiwan because of critical examination could upset the Chinese government ”. Green MP Jamie Parker organized a petition with more than 10,000 signatures calling for the Confucius classroom program to be removed from local schools. NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli defended the classes, noting that the Chinese language curriculum did not include a study of political content. Shuangyuan Shi, director of the Confucius Institute in Sydney , noted that the institute is primarily focused on language and teachers are not there to draw conclusions for students on controversial issues. Senior Education Ministry officials acknowledge that the institutes play an important role in promoting literacy in Asian languages, admitting they have concerns about China's influence on the content of the program. They say that dealing with "sensitive issues" like human rights is usually handled well by teachers. In addition, the staff at the Institute in Sydney noted that Beijing had never threatened their academic freedom.

After the Institute for Democracy and Human Rights of the University of Sydney organized a lecture by the Dalai Lama in 2013, the university warned that they should not use the logo, allow media coverage, or allow Tibetan activists to enter the event , as they were Organizers forced to move the event off campus. University officials decided, “There was a better way to do it. A small group, a small section of the student body, really wasn't the best. ” Sarah Hanson-Young , a Senator from the Australian Greens said,“ As a democratic country, we should encourage a more open and honest discussion about the current situation in Tibet and the spiritual one Country leaders do not forbid reaching out to students and university staff. ”An activist spokesman for Australia Tibet Council said the university had given in to China. "They have endangered their academic freedom and integrity, and it also sends a discouraging message to the Tibetan people," of whom more than 100 have died in recent self-immolations in Tibet . June Teufel Dreyer, professor of political science at the University of Miami, Florida, claims that Confucius Institutes distorted history by quoting universities in Australia who invited speakers “who shimmer for the government and talk about how happy all Tibetans would be ”. On September 4, 2014, a joint conference of the 13 Australian Confucius Institutes took place in Sydney in order to increase the “visibility of the Confucius Institute network in Australian industry and public policy”.


An article in Der Spiegel about threats from China's soft power criticized Beijing for setting up Confucius Institutes "in the hope of promoting what it sees as China's cultural superiority." German sinologists disagree on the level of government control over the system. The sinologist Jörg-Meinhard Rudolph from the East Asia Institute of the University of Ludwigshafen am Rhein remarked that no German political party had financed educational institutions at German universities ( list of universities in Germany ), "nevertheless they accept money from the undemocratic Communist Party of China". Rudolph mentioned that the Confucius Institutes belong to the Communist Party's Propaganda Department, which would silence dissidents in China. He asked: "How can you conduct independent research on China when local university professors applaud senior members of the CCP's censorship and united front department?" Rudolph criticizes the fact that German scientists advocate the Chinese government at the expense of freedom of science and research let their soft power strategy be used. Rudolph said in an interview that he cannot believe in the freedom of research and teaching at Confucius Institutes. Because these institutes, unlike the German Goethe institutes, are not financed by the state from taxpayers' money that everyone can see. German colleges and universities at which these institutes are established receive grants directly from the Communist Party of China. “The Confucius Institutes are not paid for by the Chinese state, but by a political party. From an organization that is advocacy. And which runs these Confucius Institutes as part of their foreign propaganda or PR work. "

Michael Lackner, deputy head of the Confucius Institute at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg , described the influence of the German universities and said: “I'm not sure whether the headquarters, the Confucius Institute headquarters, really have any idea of ​​that has what chinese culture is. In this way, German scholars could help define Chinese culture as a world culture. ”Lackner said academic sinology had nothing to do with the Confucius Institute and he placed particular emphasis on it. “I am completely free at my chair. Should pressure be exerted from the Chinese side, that would be a red line for me, ”said Lackner.

Ulrich Delius, Asia advisor for the Society for Threatened Peoples , criticized: “We experience that in a great many Confucius institutes that actually all sensitive points are systematically ignored. And that of course also includes problems like the Tibetan question. What about the violence in northwest China? What about the very broad commitment from civil society? These questions are simply part of the process if you want to develop a realistic picture of the People's Republic of China. ”The guild is silently submitting to the Beijing censors, said Delius. "Confucius Institutes are not apolitical, even if they want to give that impression," said Delius.

In January 2020, a debate broke out in the Bavarian state parliament about the Confucius Institutes in Bavaria . Landtag Vice President Markus Rinderspacher requested information from the state government about the amount of any state funding, which he was initially denied. The Bavarian State Chancellery only replied after threatening a constitutional lawsuit that it had funded the Confucius Institutes in Bavaria with just under 350,000 euros since 2014. Rinderspacher called for the subsidies to be stopped.


In 2008, Tel Aviv University officials closed a student art exhibition about the persecution of Falun Gong in China. A Tel Aviv District Court judge ruled that the university had "violated freedom of expression and yielded to pressure from the Chinese embassy." The judge stated that the dean of the students "feared that the art exhibition was attracting Chinese support for the Confucius Institute and other educational activities. "


In December 2013, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) passed a resolution calling on all Canadian universities and colleges that currently have Confucius Institutes on their campuses to stop doing so and those who are considering such a regulation not to pursue them any further. This action followed after the Université de Sherbrooke in Quebec closed its Confucius Institute; the University of Manitoba voted against accepting an institute out of concern about political censorship; and McMaster University terminated its institute contract following a human rights complaint from a teacher. CAUT Executive Director James Turk said that Canadian universities that agree to accept Confucius Institutes are jeopardizing their own integrity by allowing Hanban to have a voice on academic matters such as curriculum, texts and class discussion topics, and that interference described as a "fundamental violation of academic freedom". Turk described Confucius Institutes as "essentially political weapons of the Chinese government", restricting free discussion on issues that Chinese authorities consider to be controversial, and "should not have a place on our university campuses."

At the meeting of the Toronto District School Board, Canada 's largest school council, on June 19, 2014, the Trustees voted to postpone the proposed creation of a Confucius Institute in September to review a 2012 agreement that Chris Bolton unilaterally agreed had negotiated with Hanban. On the morning of the meeting, Bolton suddenly resigned and was not available to answer questions. Many trustees complained that they hadn't received enough information about the partnership and were surprised by hundreds of emails and phone calls from parents protesting Confucius Institutes. An editorial in The Globe and Mail mentioned that Bolton “exhibited an amazing lack of judgment,” warning that “the Confucius Institute functions little more than a long arm of the Chinese state, pushing its political agenda under the guise of simplicity Language teaching ahead. ”The deputy director general of the Hunan Provincial Department of Education sent a letter to the Toronto School Board stating ,“ If the Confucius Institute in Toronto is suspended, it will cause great harm to the relationship between the two sides which is difficult for us to accept. "

On September 30, 2014, the Toronto School Council's Planning and Priority Committee decided to end the Confucius Institute program and leave the final decision to the General Assembly at the end of October. School council chairwoman Mari Rutka said she was not sure that moving forward was a good move and said: “Too many concerns have been raised, I think we have again the examples of a number of other institutions that have decided not to move on . ”Trustees said they heard both sides of the argument and received pressure from both parents, who were concerned about China's control of the programs, and Chinese officials warning them that the dissolution of the partnership is the Toronto School Board's most lucrative market for international fee-paying students. The Confucius Institute problem was controversial, it was about a website and petitions. The committee heard from 10 speakers, half were against the contract (including a former head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Asia-Pacific who warned the institutes were a "Trojan horse") and half were in favor (a spokesman the Confederation of Sino-Canadian Organizations in Toronto, who said the issue was not political, it was about "culture and language"). A newspaper article described Confucius Institutes as state-sponsored, state-run entities controlled by a "one-party regime that recently evolved from Marxism - Leninism to a new form of non-democratic elitism with kleptocratic tendencies."

At the plenary meeting on October 30, 2014, the Toronto school council voted 20: 2 to terminate the Confucius Institute contract. Trustee Pamela Gough said her concern was that "the Confucius Institute is directly controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and there is irrefutable evidence that the party exercises its influence through [the Institute]". In response to the school council's rejection, an editorial in the state-run China Daily called the criticism "unfair" and accused the Confucius Institute critics of "deep bias against China." David Mulroney, a former Canadian ambassador to China, said, "We are really seeing the end of the Confucius Institutes' free travel, especially in North America ."


In July 2014, the international director of the Confucius Institute Xu Lin censored Taiwan in Portugal . Upon arriving on July 23, 2014 at a European Sinology Conference, partially organized by the director of the Confucius Institute at Minho University , Braga , Portugal, the international director of the Confucius Institutes, Xu Lin ordered the censorship from “important points ”Which contained references to Taiwanese institutions. The pages contained information about the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Academic Exchange (CCKF), which had sponsored and funded EACS conferences for more than twenty years; the book exhibition and donation organized by the Taiwan National Central Library, which have become an integral part of the EACS conferences; the names of the book publishers attending the conference; the sponsors of the conference at the University of Coimbra , important information about conference events in Coimbra and useful information about the Confucius China study program.

On the first day of the annual meeting of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS) with several hundred participants, Xu Lin ordered the programs to be confiscated. Four pages were torn from the program before being redistributed to conference attendees the next day.

The President of the EACS distributed 500 copies of the deleted pages to the participants and issued a report on the incident. US online university website Inside Higher Ed quoted Marshall Sahlins, professor emeritus at the University of Chicago and leading critic of the Confucius Institutes, who said that this incident illustrates the Confucius Institutes' determination that the programming they fund must comply with Chinese laws, including those that restrict speech. "Also, they will enforce them the way they do in China, which is not so much the case by going to court ... but simply by order." The Taiwan Cabinet Council on Mainland Affairs has alleged the censorship incident Issued: “The mainland should be pragmatic about Taiwan's participation in international activities. If there is no respect for one another, the development of cross-street relations will be seriously affected. "

The Christian Science Monitor newspaper reported that censorship has unsettled more academics in the US, UK, Canada and Australia with the Confucius Institutes. Eamonn Fingleton suggests that perhaps the most embarrassing aspect of the whole Braga incident is that Beijing reversed itself on the “hot button issue at the center of the entire controversy. After years of vehement denial by the Confucius Institutes that there was any kind of censorship agenda, Beijing has now tacitly admitted that it was wrong. "

The parliamentary magazine said of the Braga incident that European higher education should remain independent and not be turned into "an outright propaganda tool of the Chinese Communist Party".

In December 2014, the British Broadcasting Corporation ( BBC ) interviewed Xu Lin in Beijing. During the interview, BBC reporter John Sudworth asked about the Braga incident, but afterward Xu Lin objected and insisted that large parts of the interview be deleted. The BBC rejected the Chinese request for censorship. One of the points she mentioned in the interview is that Taiwan is part of China and so outsiders have no right to interfere. "Not only did Xu Lin refuse to answer difficult questions, she politicized the Confucius Institutes and reinforced the idea that they are run by dogmatists ," commented Gary Rawnsley, professor of public diplomacy at Aberystwyth University , Wales . Reporting on Xu's BBC interview, the Wall Street Journal said, “Critics have argued that China's Confucius Institutes pose a threat to academic freedom in the United States, Canada, Europe and beyond. Now the responsible Beijing officer has confirmed it. "


On July 27, 2015, a prosecutor filed a complaint with the City Court in Blagoveshchensk Oblast Amur , Russia , demanding that the court shut down the Confucius Institute of the Blagoveschensk State Pedagogical University for violating Russian law, because it is not registered as a non-profit organization and foreign teachers therefore have no legal basis to work at the institute. The prosecution's testimony says that the Confucius Institute should not be registered as part of the university but as a foreign cultural center.


In December 2014, Stockholm University , the first university in Europe to host a Confucius Institute, announced the end of the program. The Swedish press coverage of the Braga incident is said to have influenced the decision. "In general, it is questionable whether the university has institutes that are financed by another country," said the university's chancellor. No large university in Sweden and Denmark now houses a Confucius Institute.

United States

The Columbia University received a million dollars in Hanban funds over a period of five years to establish a Confucius Institute. Professor Robert Barnett, the director of the Modern Tibetan Studies Program, described "a strange silence on Tibet and other sensitive issues when it comes to Columbia, scholars, and conversations about China." Barnett said, “The problem is not that China wants to promote and pay itself to be taught Chinese, it is about having a presence on campus and much more. It wants to be present in the faculty and in the chairs. ”Lening Liu, director of the Confucius Institute at Columbia, said it was“ committed to academic integrity and would reject any attempt by Hanban to censor his research. ”Others Academics have wondered how universities should react when foreign governments want to restrict academic freedom abroad. Since the publication of the Tiananmen File of Professor Andrew J. Nathan at Columbia University in 2001, he and several other faculty members have been denied visas to China and the Chinese government has suspended the study abroad program of the Modern Tibetan Studies Program in Tibet.

Over 170 faculty members of the University of Chicago petitioned President Robert Zimmer to oppose the establishment of a Confucius Institute and a Milton Friedman Institute for Economic Research without the approval of the faculty senate. The petition called Confucius Institutes promoted by the People's Republic of China "an academic and politically ambiguous initiative", and said the University of risking their own reputation to the spread of Confucius Institutes in the United States and around the world "legitimize".

According to a Chronicle of Higher Education article in 2004, since the establishment of the first Confucius Institute in the United States at the University of Maryland , “there have been no complaints that institutes have in the way of academic freedom on American campuses stood ”, the same article also mentions that the institutes“ differ to the extent that they are funded and administered by a foreign government ”.

The Stanford University first offered four million dollars a Confucius Institute to set up and a professor to fund the Confucius Institute of Chinese Studies, but Hanban demanded that the professor should not discuss "sensitive issues". After Stanford declined on grounds of academic freedom, Hanban accepted an unrestricted gift, and the university plans to use the money for a professorship in classical Chinese poetry . Dean Richard Saller, who is also the director of the Confucius Institute, stated that Hanban values ​​the Stanford relationship too much to compromise it by interfering with academic freedom.

In 2009, North Carolina State University canceled a scheduled performance by the Dalai Lama to speak on campus in Raleigh , citing concerns over Chinese backlash and a lack of time and resources. Provost Warwick Arden said, "China is an important trading partner for North Carolina, " and a Confucius Institute provides "an opportunity for subtle pressure and conflict." In 2010, however, the Dalai Lama spoke at Stanford University and Miami University (Ohio) - both institutions have Confucius Institutes.

On 28 March 2012, the organized Subcommittee for Foreign Affairs of the US House a hearing on "The price of public diplomacy with China" that the Chinese propaganda efforts in the US, including the Confucius Institute campuses, focused . The deputy Dana Rohrabacher said: "The two pillars of the status of America as an open society is freedom of the press and academic freedom. Communist China, which does not believe in or allow either of these two kinds of freedom, is using the opportunities America offers to penetrate both the private media and public education to spread its state propaganda. " Steven W. Mosher testified, “There have been allegations that Confucius Institutes are undermining academic freedom at the host universities, engaging in industrial and military espionage, overseeing the activities of Chinese students abroad, and trying to promote the political agenda of the Chinese party state on issues such as the Dalai Lama and Tibet , promoting Taiwan's independence, the pro-democracy movement abroad, and dissent within China itself. "In response to Mosher's testimony, Rohrabacher argued," It seems that Beijing is able to extend its campaign against academic freedom from China to America if US universities value Chinese favors and money more al s Truth and Integrity. "

The US State Department has a 17 May 2012 directive issued stating that the Chinese professors at University-with Confucius Institutes violate their J-1 visas by teaching at schools in Vorhochschulbereich and until 30 June to China need to return to apply for a new visa . In addition, the institutes would have to receive academic accreditation in the USA. In response, Chinese officials are said to have put pressure on Washington . On May 24, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said there was "a mess in processing in general" and called the original policy "sloppy and incomplete". The Foreign Ministry said it would establish appropriate visa categories for Chinese teachers without them having to leave the country and reapply. The Chinese state media reacted strongly to the initial announcement. The editors, the Global Times reported, "The Confucius Institutes' promotion of Chinese language and culture makes some Americans uncomfortable." Xu Lin, director of the Hanban, said at a Confucius Institute conference in Edinburgh: "The US government hurt our feelings, but the Confucius Institutes across Europe have done a great job, especially in promoting culture, which is not surprising given the rich history and culture of Europe. "

Late October published in 2013 Marshall Sahlins, emeritus professor at the University of Chicago, the article "China U: Confucius Institutes censor political debate and impede the free exchange of ideas. Then why are American universities supporting them? ”Arguing that universities like the University of Chicago should take the lead in canceling the agreement. The Irish journalist Eamonn Fingleton writes in Forbes: "In one of the most scandalous sales in intellectual history, more and more universities are accepting funding from the Beijing Ministry of Education." He calls the Confucius Institute program a "Chinese mega-blunder" and says that thanks above all Sahlin's leadership "the academic staff at many universities has begun to break free from this phenomenon."

In 2014, Professor Sahlins wrote an article titled "Confucius Institutes: Academic Malware", regarding incidents of academic misconduct in Confucius Institutes that "range from practically unnoticed to publicly notorious, worryingly frequent". Sahlins told the Times Higher Education that his book did not represent some sort of "rabid anti-communism of a McCarthyite or of a Cold War" - as the defenders of the Confucius Institutes have claimed, but that it was rather about preserving the "values ​​of academic Freedom and intellectual autonomy on which universities in the United States and most of the world are based. "

In April 2014, over 100 professors from the University of Chicago signed a petition opposing an extension of the university's Confucius Institute contract, saying that Hanban's control over teacher recruitment and training was "the academic program of the University subject to political restrictions on freedom of expression and belief specific to the People's Republic of China ”. Dali Yang, the director of the Confucius Institute, denied these allegations, saying, “Our Confucius Institute does not offer its own courses; teachers participate in the University of Chicago's Chinese language program. "Marshall Sahlins said that if the University of Chicago withdraws from the Confucius Institutes, other universities will" think twice about renewing their contracts. "

The media covered this protest by the University of Chicago faculty at length. The historian Bruce Cumings, who signed the petition, noted that China had recently fired prominent faculty members for their political views and warned, “American universities should not take money from governments that imprison professors or allow academic freedom in their own country. “Anthony C. Yu, professor emeritus of Chinese, recalled speaking at a large gathering of Confucius Institute teachers employed in American universities and that most of them were not trained language teachers and few were fluent in English languages. When George Washington University announced the establishment of a Confucius Institute in 2013, a dean supported the program because the University of Chicago had also started one, but following the recent petition there, George Washington changed the Faculty Code to protect academic freedom, especially for professors studying Chinese politics who feared being censored by the Confucius Institute.

On September 25, 2014, the University of Chicago stated that it had suspended negotiations to renew its Confucius Institute contract because “recent comments about the University of Chicago in an article about the director general of Hanban were inconsistent with an ongoing equal partnership . ”This was referring to Xu Lin's interview with Jiefang Ribao , the official Communist Party newspaper in Shanghai . The article states that following the petition from the faculty of the University of Chicago, Xu Lin wrote a letter to the president of the university and called the representative of the university in Beijing (where Chicago University has a research center) with just one line: "If your school decides to retire, I will agree. Your demeanor made the other side fearful. ”The school responded quickly that it would continue to run the Confucius Institute. Hanban Vice Director Hu Zhiping responded to Chicago's decision with a written statement: “Hanban finds it a pity that the University of Chicago made the public statement before it found out the truth. Since the Confucius Institute is a collaborative program, both sides can make a choice. ”Dali Yang, director of the Chicago Confucius Institute, said the institute will continue to support existing projects even after the current five-year agreement expires on September 29th.

Several Chicago University faculty members commented on the Confucius Institute closure. Bruce Lincoln , professor of the history of religion in Chicago , summed up the lengthy negotiations. The university administrators "represented the institution's core values" when speaking out against a Confucius Institute on campus, while the Chinese officials were "clumsy, condescending and difficult." Marshall Sahlins, who led the fight against the Confucius Institutes, said the newspaper article extensively praised Xu Lin and told The Wall Street Journal , “They knew this was a dubious operation at first. They knew there was a lot of resistance from an important part of the faculty. And then, given that, the newspaper report just set off or changed the balance. "

Gary Rawnsley, a UK expert on international communications , said Xu Lin could not have chosen a worse time to "assert her imaginary authority," and the Business Spectator concluded that this harsh behavior was one of Beijing's biggest problems Represents charm offensive. "It still relies on officials like Xu, who still think and act like party ideologues who like to assert their authority and bully people into submission." The Economist called Xu Lin's statement "a boastful challenge," saying that opponents of Confucius Institutes would describe this as a victory for academic freedom. The Diplomat said the current Confucius Institute program is heavily weighted west of 465 institutes , 97 of them in the US, but only 95 institutes across Asia. However, if the backlash continues to grow in the West, the number of Confucius Institutes may "plateau in the West, while other regions, including Africa , the Middle East and Latin America , still have immense growth potential". The Communist Party 's official newspaper, People's Daily , responded to the closure of the Confucius Institute at the University of Chicago.

On October 1, 2014, Pennsylvania State University confirmed that it would close its Confucius Institute on December 13, 2014 when the contract expires, with its dean saying in a written statement that some of the university's goals “are inconsistent with those of Offices of the Chinese Language Council known as Hanban, which supports the Confucius Institute around the world, agree. ”In an interview, a former director of the Penn State Confucius Institute, Eric Hayot, said he suspected the institute may not have enough of it a return on his investment. "I say, from my experience as the institute director, that one of the biggest frustrations of the relationship was that we had increasingly ambitious ideas about how to use the institute funding," such as research projects by Penn State professors proposed on environmental , scientific and political issues . He said that Hanban regularly declined such proposals because they were "too far outside the official Confucius Institute scope (which they told us was primarily 'cultural')." "A lot of what Hanban wanted us to do." in view of our institution, the faculty population and the student population, ”said Professor Hayot, who was not involved in the contract negotiations this summer. He said that if they had been flexible, it would have helped the Confucius Institute to be successful here.

The Telegraph mentioned that China's effort to project soft power "has suffered another major blow," and the closings of the University of Chicago and Penn State are a huge blow to China's attempt to take advantage of government-funded institutes. to improve its image all over the world.

Henry Reichman, vice president of the AAUP and chairman of the committee that issued a statement condemning the Confucius Institutes, said, “There is clearly a growing sense that these academic centers need a little closer look ... I suspect that the University of Chicago and Penn State will not be the only ones who have concluded that a relationship with these institutes is not really worthwhile. "

An issue of Bloomberg News mentioned the three Confucius Institute closings in two weeks and said, “If the institutes are meant to be insidious vehicles for Chinese soft power indoctrination , they are doing a terrible job. In fact, they seem to do more harm than good to China's reputation abroad. "

On December 4, 2014, the US House's Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health , Global Human Rights, and International Organizations held a hearing entitled “Is Academic Freedom Threatened by China's Influence in US Universities?” Chairman Chris Smith said, "US colleges and universities should not outsource academic control, faculty and student oversight, or curriculum to a foreign government," and called for a Government Accountability Office study of academic agreements between American universities and China. The statement by Perry Link, a Chinese professor at the University of California, Riverside , made three policy recommendations: American university administrators should pursue a policy of "deliberately staking out the broadest fields" in their programs with China; the US government should adopt Chinese-language programs US fund, and should withhold visas for Confucius Institute instructors as long as China continues to withhold visas for American scientists for political reasons. The day after the House hearing, the State Department spokeswoman for the People's Republic of China , Hua Chunying, replied , “All the Confucius Institutes in the United States are here because American universities have applied for them of their own accord. We helped with the provision of teachers and textbooks at the request of the US side, but never compromised academic freedom. "

In August 2018, the United States Department of Defense was banned from funding Confucius Institutes at universities in the United States because they are supported by the Chinese Communist Party. When President Trump signed the Defense Budget Bill for the next fiscal year in August , it contained a provision added by Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to prevent the Pentagon from using funds for Chinese-language programs offered by Confucius Institutes. A press secretary for Senator Cruz told The Epoch Times that Senator Cruz was concerned about China's continued attempts to infiltrate American universities. He is said to have worked on an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that bans universities from using Pentagon money for Confucius Institutes that the Chinese communist regime used as propaganda weapons in American universities.

According to a report by the National Association of Scholars, as of April 2017, Confucius class programs have spread to over 500 elementary and secondary schools in the United States . The Washington Free Beacon mentioned in March 2018, among other things, that “The Chinese Communist Party has used this tactic to reward pro-Chinese positions and to force Western academic publications and conferences to self-censor . The CCP often denies visas to academics criticizing the regime and encourages many Chinese scholars to preventively censor themselves so that they can maintain access to the country on which their research depends ”.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) Sent a letter to five schools in Florida in February asking them to cut ties with the Confucius Institute. "I remain deeply concerned about the proliferation of Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms in the United States," wrote Rubio. "In light of China's aggressive campaign to infiltrate American classrooms, stifle free investigations, and undermine free speech at home and abroad, I respectfully ask you to consider terminating your agreement with the Confucius Institute."

Confucius classroom programs

The Confucius Classroom Program works with local secondary schools or school districts to provide teachers and classroom materials.

United Kingdom

Campaign groups raised concerns about Confucius classrooms in the UK in 2015. Isabel Hilton, a broadcaster and writer whose own work was censored by the Confucius Institute, said, “State control company in China in cultural mediation is not really allowed. If this happens in our schools, where people don't know that the Chinese are buying their way into our education system, we should ask serious questions about whether that is a good thing. ”The Free Tibet campaign group claimed that the lessons were being taught by“ a free government Expression of opinion within its own boundaries which is responsible for widespread human rights violations, certain terms are effectively limited ”. The group also raised concerns that money had been accepted by the Chinese government without "proper democratic scrutiny".

According to media reports, the intended Human Rights Commission of the Conservative Party of Great Britain an investigation of the Confucius Institutes have initiated. Benedict Rogers, vice chairman of the commission, said, “If it were just about language teaching and cultural promotion everyone would welcome it, but the fact that they are using Communist Party propaganda and the fact that they are embedded in universities and that Affecting the academic freedoms of universities is particularly worrying. "

United States

In one case, the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District Education Committee encountered strong community opposition to the establishment of a Confucius classroom at Cedarlane Middle School in Hacienda Heights , which is "a strong Hispanic community with a Chinese-majority school council." An editorial in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune newspaper compared this Confucius Institute program "to asking Hugo Chavez to send his cadres to teach economics to young American children ." History teacher Jane Shults described the criticism of Confucius classrooms as "Jingoistic, xenophobic, not overly rational and they are really shadows of the McCarthy era ." A member of the Hacienda La Puente school board, Norman Hsu, said it was not worth advancing the subject because the teacher was not without Californian credentials anyway to work as a full-fledged teacher. Another board member, Jay Chen, characterized the opponents of the Confucius classroom: “What they all have in common, other than having no children in the district (many don't even live in the district), are unwavering allegations that the school council is trying to defeat communism to promote in the classroom ”. Chen concluded that xenophobic "anti-Sinoism" caused disagreement at Hacienda La Puente. Nicholas J. Cull , Professor of Public Diplomacy at the University of Southern California , said: “I am sure this will become a standard argument. People in America are very suspicious of outside ideas. "

The Bibb County Public School District , which includes Macon, Georgia , mandated that Mandarin Chinese be a compulsory subject for every student, from pre-K through 12th grade. Although the superintendent described the Confucius classroom's agreement to supply Chinese language teachers as a " win-win for everyone," some parents were critical. Some feared a "communist regime that extends its geopolitical agenda to their children," but most had practical concerns, such as: B. whether local students would no longer benefit from learning Spanish as a Chinese as a foreign language .

College Board President David Coleman announced plans with Hanban to open Confucius classrooms in 20 school districts across the United States.

Hiring Policy

In 2011, the recruitment policy posted on Hanban's website stated that teaching candidates should be "between 22 and 60 years old, physically and mentally healthy, with no records of participation in Falun Gong and other illegal organizations, and no criminal record ." Hanban officials in North America defended the policy, stating that the Confucius Institutes must follow Chinese law. The deputy director of the Confucius Institute at Pace University in New York also suggested that the Chinese government "has the right" to prohibit Falun Gong practitioners from volunteering .

In 2012, The Globe and Mail reported that Sonia Zhao gave up teaching at McMaster University's Confucius Institute in Hamilton , Ontario , and sought political asylum in Canada on the grounds of religious discrimination . In a complaint to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, Ms. Zhao said she was forced to hide her belief in the spiritual movement Falun Gong , which the Chinese government calls an illegal "evil cult," arguing that McMaster "legitimizes the discrimination." She told an interviewer that during her Confucius Institute training in Beijing, when students asked about Tibet or other sensitive topics, she was told, “Don't talk about it. If the student insists, just try changing the subject or say something that the Chinese Communist Party would prefer. ”Andrea Farquhar, McMaster’s vice president of public and government affairs, said the university was“ for clarity ”of theirs Ask Chinese partners about aspects of their agreement, particularly about recruitment practices. Ms. Farquhar, who named the Confucius Institute on campus, said McMaster insisted that Canadian laws and expectations be respected. In 2013, McMaster University announced that it would close its Confucius Institute. Andrea Farquhar stated that after months of efforts to save her five-year partnership with Hanban, "we are uncomfortable and it doesn't reflect the way the university would hire," and stated that McMaster's Chinese partners responded with a letter, who expressed "a little disappointment". Ms. Zhao, a Chinese citizen , has since been granted refugee status in Canada.


While many universities (such as the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Manitoba ) have turned down Hanban offers to accept Confucius Institutes, a few host universities have decided to end their five-year renewable contracts with Confucius Institutes: a Japanese university in 2010 , one French and two Canadian universities in 2013, one Canadian, one Swedish and two American universities in 2014 and one German university in 2015. Regarding the recent international closings of Confucius Institutes, a July 2015 article in The Diplomat mentions that although nations like Japan use soft power to promote positive images of themselves for the sake of political profit, China uses soft power for lies and censorship, but the world "sees through their deceit".


The Copenhagen Business School in Frederiksberg , Denmark separated from the Confucius Institute in the 2017th


The Stuttgart Media University and University of Hohenheim Hanban in 2014 signed (2015) a contract with the Media University in Stuttgart and the University of Hohenheim to open a Confucius Institute in Stuttgart, but in June 2015, the universities gave up the plan. A spokesman accused the decision of failing to find the necessary support for the Confucius Institute. Nevertheless, it was in a press release of the network Students for a Free Tibet noted that their campaign "Say No to Confucius Institutes" (says no to Confucius Institutes) against the Stuttgart plan was successful, and declared a victory for democratic values and academic freedom worldwide.

The University of Düsseldorf stopped its cooperation with the Confucius Institute in January 2020 because of suspected propaganda.

The University of Hamburg wants to end its collaboration with the Confucius Institute with effect from December 31, 2020. According to Die Welt , the reason for the closure is that the University Presidium “no longer wants to take” the risk of being influenced and the outflow of knowledge.


On September 24, 2013, the French University of Lyon closed its Confucius Institute, founded in 2009, at the University of Lyon II and the University of Lyon III . Gregory B. Lee, chairman of the board of directors of the Confucius Institutes, said their director "took his instructions straight from Beijing" and "questioned the content of our courses." Other closings were the Toulouse 1 University Capitole in Toulouse (2017) and the West Paris Nanterre La Defense University in Nanterre (2018).


On February 7, 2013, the Canadian McMaster University terminated its Confucius Institute contract because of a lecturer's human rights complaint and the university's lack of control over the recruitment of institute staff. Hanban responded with a letter in which they expressed "a little disappointment". The year before that, the Chinese Sonia Zhao had finished teaching at the McMaster Confucius Institute and sought political asylum in Canada on the grounds of religious discrimination . Ms. Zhao filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario and stated that McMaster "discrimination legitimized" because she was forced to hide their faith in the spiritual Falun Gong movement, for which they would be fired from Hanban. The university insisted that the Confucius Institute respect Canadian laws and expectations regarding hiring and firing practices.

On December 31, 2013, Canada's Université de Sherbrooke (University of Sherbrooke ) in Quebec closed its Confucius Institute after months of failed negotiations, saying that the Hanban agreement was no longer in line with the university's international plans. On December 17, 2013, the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) passed a resolution calling on all Canadian universities and colleges that currently had Confucius Institutes on their campuses to stop doing so, and those who do Consider agreements not to pursue them. Of the six Canadian universities that sent responses to the CAUT, only the Université de Sherbrooke said it was separating from the Confucius Institute.

Dawson College in Montreal , which founded the Confucius Institute in Quebec together with the Université de Sherbrooke in 2007, decided to continue the institute. Agents from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service interviewed Meng Rong, director of the Confucius Institute in Quebec, showed her a list of names and asked if she could identify anyone. Meng told an interviewer that the Confucius Institutes “have nothing to do with politics or espionage”.

On October 30, 2014, the Toronto District School Board , which looks after public schools with 232,000 students, decided to terminate their Confucius Institute contract. Trustee Pamela Gough said it was clear that "this partnership is inconsistent with the Toronto District School Council and the values ​​of the community, and its continuation is inappropriate."


The University of Leiden in Leiden and The Hague (2019).


On December 20, 2014, Stockholm University , Sweden announced that the Stockholm Confucius Institute will be closed until the end of June 2015. According to the Vice Chancellor of Stockholm University, the new contracts for the Confucius Institutes are not in keeping with the way Swedish universities are run.

Astrid Söderbergh Widding, vice-chancellor of Stockholm University, told the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter that the Confucius Institute, founded in 2005, has outlasted its usefulness as the university had independent links with China. She also mentioned the need for financial autonomy . "In general, it is questionable whether the university has institutes that are funded by another country," said Widding.

In 2015 the Confucius Institute at Karlstad University and Blekinge Technical University was closed.

According to reports from the British newspaper The Times , Sweden has closed all Confucius Institutes. This should make Sweden the first European country to close all of its Confucius Institutes in 2020. The reason for these closings is said to be the deteriorating relations between Sweden and the CPC.

Björn Jerdén told The Times : “The end of the Confucius programs is part of a broader hardening of the Swedish stance towards China. Public opinion about China has become much more negative in Sweden. This is quite significant as Sweden used to be one of the most active countries in Europe in terms of the number of these agreements ”. Jerdén heads the Asia program at the Swedish Institute for International Affairs in Stockholm .

Expressen reported that the Chinese ambassador's attacks on the Swedish media were completely unacceptable and that Sweden also needed to be more vigilant about the attempts to influence the country. Scientists believe that self-censorship is spreading in Western universities when it comes to critical questions about the communist regime in China.


The Swiss radio station reported on April 14, 2020 that the University of Basel had decided to close its Confucius Institute. The institute was founded in 2013 and is now closing its doors after seven years. This was a cooperation between the University of Basel and Shanghai University. The reason for the closure is that the Confucius Institutes are under increasing pressure worldwide, as many fear that China might want to influence or even spy on other countries through these institutes.

Hans Roth, President of the Confucius Institute at the University of Basel, said that influence from the Chinese Communist Party was not the reason for the closure. He told the radio station “This has never been the case in Basel.” However, working together has become more and more difficult in recent years. “We felt from the Chinese side that the offer should focus on teaching the language,” Roth continues. But there is no need for pure language teaching in Basel, as there are many other offers. That is why the association's board decided to discontinue the program, said Roth.

The Tagesanzeiger reported in December 2019 that the head of the Geneva Institute had told the Sunday newspaper that they were not Beijing's propaganda means: “Nobody has muzzled me.” University spokesman Marco Cattaneo said that the Chinese regime had never intervened directly and the students could talk about sensitive topics like Tibet , Tiananmen Square and the situation in Hong Kong .

But the situation in Basel is a little different. Qi Zhu-Ammann, the managing director of the Confucius Institute in Basel, told the Tagesanzeiger in May 2018 that the Chinese ambassador Geng Wenbing had stipulated that current politics and economics should not be discussed. "The institute should concentrate on the task of teaching Chinese language and culture," was the ambassador's guideline. "Today, the project financing on the Chinese side is also more closely monitored," says Zhu-Ammann. That is why language courses and lectures on harmless topics of conversation such as Chinese music are treated in Basel.

"It is probably no coincidence that the Chinese ambassador intervened in Basel," says Wolfgang Behr, Chinese Studies - Professor at the University of Zurich . "In the course of the party ideology, which has been intensified under President Xi Jinping since 2015, Beijing controls much more precisely that nobody speaks publicly about politically sensitive issues," said Behr. These politically sensitive issues are the "three Ts": Tiananmen, Tibet and Taiwan . But this also includes topics about the re-education camps for Uyghurs in Xinjiang or the demonstrations in Hong Kong.

United States of America

On September 25, 2014, the University of Chicago suspended lengthy negotiations to renew its contract with the Confucius Institute and quoted director general Xu Lin's arrogant demands in the official communist daily Jiefang Daily that she had scared the university with one sentence to cancel. The sentence read: "If your school decides to withdraw, I will agree."

On October 1, 2014, Pennsylvania State University announced that it would cease housing a Confucius Institute at the end of the year, when the contract expires. The university spokesman said its goals are inconsistent with those of Hanban or the Office of Chinese Languages ​​Council International.

The Tulane University in New Orleans , Louisiana , concluded in 2013 an agreement with the East China Normal University to found a Confucius Institute. The institute was closed in 2017.

In December 2018, the University of Michigan announced that it would no longer host a Confucius Institute until mid-2019 when the partnership with Hanban expires in June 2019.

Other universities that separated from the Confucius Institute: Pfeiffer University in Charlotte, North Carolina (2016); the University of Illinois at Urbana and Champaign (2017); the University of West Florida in Pensacola, Florida (2018); the Texas A&M University System (2018); Prairie View A&M University in Texas (2018); the University of Iowa (2018); the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, Florida (2018); the North Carolina State University in Raleigh (2018); the University of Rhode Island at Kingston (2018); the University of South Florida at Tampa (Florida) (2018); the University of Massachusetts in Boston (2019); the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis (2019); the Indiana University in Bloomington (Indiana) (2019); The Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green (2019); the University of Oregon in Eugene (Oregon) (2019); the San Francisco State University (2019); the University of Hawaii at Mānoa in Honolulu (2019).

According to reports from the Miami Herald , South China Morning Post and Politico in September 2019, the Miami Dade College Board of Trustees decided to part with the Confucius Institute. One of the reasons is the decline in enrollments for the program. Another reason, according to curator Felipe: "MDC and all schools should stand for academic freedom and independence, and that means that you cannot work with an institution once you know that it is persecuting its own academics," wrote Felipe in one Email the Miami Herald. Senator Marco Rubio, commended Miami Dade College for separating from the institute. He asked the college 18 months ago to close the institute because it was criticized for influencing schools in the US and for having misrepresented the history of China.

The University of Maryland announced on January 17, 2020 that it would close its Confucius Institute later this year in accordance with federal regulation. This Confucius Institute was the first of its kind, founded in the USA in 2004.

The University of Missouri also announced the planned closure of its Confucius Institute in August 2020. Nearly 20 Confucius Institutes in the United States have closed in the past two years.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Free Tibet challenges China's propaganda in schools , Free Tibet, March 30, 2015, accessed June 5, 2018
  2. ^ A b Campaigners Shut Down Confucius Institute , Students for a Free Tibet, October 29, 2014, accessed June 5, 2018
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  4. a b c Justin Norrie, Confucius says school's in, but don't mention democracy , The Sydney Morning Herald, February 20, 2011, accessed June 5, 2018
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  11. Arthur Cane, Confucius Institute Under Fire as Conduit of Chinese Propaganda , The Daily Signal, The Heritage Foundation, October 16, 2014, accessed June 5, 2018
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