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A homeless man in Paris (2005)

Marginalization (from the Latin margo "edge": deportation to the sideline) is a social process in which population groups are pushed to the " edge of society " and can therefore only participate little in economic, cultural and political life. In extreme cases, marginalization ends up in illness or even starvation for those affected. Marginalization is a form of acculturation and is often related to the abandonment of cultural or ethnic identity .

The existence in the marginal areas of a social group , stratum or class is also referred to as marginality ("marginal existence"). A classic example is the slums ( slums ) of cities in developing countries , for example in the Indian Mumbai or in the Peruvian Lima .

In 2002, the American political scientist Iris Marion Young identified marginalization as one of five factors that collectively characterize “ social oppression ”, alongside injustice , violence , cultural imperialism and powerlessness .

See also


Web links

Wiktionary: marginalization  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations
Wiktionary: marginalize  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. a b Duden editorial team: Marginalization. In: Duden online . January 2013, accessed on April 25, 2014 : "Marginalization, the [...] meanings: [...] 2. the marginalization (2), deportation into the sidelines" . Ibid: marginalize: "Meanings: [...] 2. put aside, make something unimportant, irrelevant". Ibid: Marginality: “Existence on the edge of a social group, class or class”.