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The adjective social , from French social and Latin socialis , is often incorrectly used as a synonym for “ social ” and, in a broader sense, to “ non-profit , helpful, merciful ”. Instead, the concept of the social first describes the group as a prerequisite for action. As Niklas Luhmann shows, the concept of society describes a specifically complex "social system".

Colloquial usage

In colloquial language, “social” means a person's reference to one or more other people; this includes the ability (mostly) of a person to care and empathize with others. But it also means helping others and putting your own interests aside. There are numerous shadows, for example being generous or affable towards subordinates, chivalrous towards inferior , helpful, polite , tactful and responsible towards peers and non-equals .

In this sense, anyone who feels that all of this is unimportant acts unsocially . Antisocial (often with negative overtones ) is someone who is (almost) unconnected with the social environment and only lives on the fringes, i.e. who does not want to or cannot “fit in” with it.

Technical usage

The term social is also used in the following specialist areas:

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: social  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. social . In: Duden . Bibliographical Institute . Retrieved September 7, 2013.
  2. GG Art. 20 Paragraph 1