Blood pear

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The blood pear, also called summer blood pear, garnet pear or sanguinole , is an old variety of pear ( Pyrus communis ). It was first mentioned in Germany in 1684, in France it is described as early as 1675. It is a pomological peculiarity because its flesh is peculiarly reddish marbled.

The trees, which are not very demanding in their location, form a pyramidal crown with hanging branches. They begin to bear very early and produce a large harvest. They are also suitable for orchards at higher altitudes .

The small fruits are spherical and ripen in mid-August to early September. The base color of the shell is light green, on the sunny side a reddish covering color forms. The taste is pleasantly sweet, but not very aromatic. They are suitable for fresh consumption and as a dried - and stewed fruit. However, the pear cannot be stored for long, it quickly becomes doughy.

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