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Hemhidrosis (also blood sweat , hemidrosis , hemathidrosis , bloody sweat from the Greek haima - blood, hidrôs - sweat) describes the excretion of blood or blood pigment in sweat and can in the case of a physical predisposition , i.e. an acquired slight vulnerability of the vascular walls, rarely also in the case of great perceived fear , e.g. B. Fear of death, caused by the bursting of skin veins associated with the high internal and external tension and the draining of the exiting blood through the pores together with the sweat of fear. Various causes have been suggested, including systemic diseases, but also malaria, scurvy or epilepsy, exertion, and psychogenic disorders in which bleeding may be the result of increased activation of the sympathetic nervous system. However, there is currently no explanation for the source of bleeding in hemhidrosis.

About blood sweat is reported , for example, in the Gospel of Luke (Lk 22.44 "And his sweat became like drops of blood that fell on the earth.") - According to one assumption, its author Luke the Evangelist is identical to the Syrian-Greek doctor Luke, who in the Epistle of Paul to the Colossians is mentioned (Col 4.14), and therefore attached importance to the tradition of this detail as an expression of the humanity of the Son of God.

The phrase sweating blood and water is used in German as a synonym for “to be very afraid”. B. in seemingly hopeless exam situations known. In English, “bloody sweat” is also used as a phrase for a difficult experience or situation, for example it was a bloody sweat trip for me .

See also


  • AC Allen: The Skin: A Clinicopathological Treatise . ed. 2. New York, Grune & Stratton Inc, 1967, pp. 745-747
  • CT Davis: The crucifixion of Jesus: The passion of Christ from a medical point of view . Ariz Med 1965; 22: 183-187
  • R. Lumpkin: The Physical Suffering of Christ . J Med Assoc Ala 1978; 47: 8-10, 47
  • RL Sutton Jr .: Diseases of the Skin . ed 11. St Louis, CV Mosby Co, 1956, pp. 1393-1394
  • CT Scott: A case of haematidrosis . Br Med J 1918; 1: 532-533

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Maglie, Marzia Caproni: A case of blood sweating: hematohidrosis syndrome. In: Canadian Medical Association Journal. 189, 2017, p. E1314, doi : 10.1503 / cmaj.161298 .