Bo (ethnic group)

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The Bo was a tribe with its own language , which on the Indian archipelago of Andaman was located. It was a sub-tribe of the Great Andaman people . The last member of the tribe, Boa Senior , died on January 26, 2010 at the age of about 85. With that, the Bo language also died out. The Bo is believed to have existed for 65,000 years, making it one of the oldest human cultures . The tribe had their own language, which was part of the Andaman language family , and had between 200 and 700 members when the British settlers arrived in 1858. At the 1901 census, 48 ​​members of the tribe were still alive. In particular, many members of the tribe fell victim to the fighting against the British settlers and to these diseases that were introduced.


  1. ^ A b Survival International, Extinct: Andaman tribe's extermination complete as last member dies , February 4, 2010
  2. ^ A b Survival International, The Great Andamanese , accessed February 5, 2010