Soil Science Society of Switzerland

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The Soil Science Society of Switzerland ( BGS ) is a specialist society dedicated to the dissemination of soil science knowledge and commitment to soil science issues in Switzerland.


It is active in all parts of the country and is open to anyone interested in soil science. It consists of representatives from teaching and research, the private sector, the authorities and associations.

The BGS promotes deepening and dissemination of pedological knowledge and mediates contacts between people and institutions interested in soil science. In addition, it advocates the long-term preservation of healthy soils, takes a position on soil-related topics and promotes quality control of soil science work. It represents the interests of the soil science professions.


The Soil Science Society of Switzerland was founded in 1975 to exchange soil science knowledge. On the occasion of the founding meeting, 27 people signed up as members. These included active soil science research institutions and a few representatives from authorities and private companies. By 2008 the number of members had grown to 380.


The BGS is a member of

In certain areas it works together with Practical Environmental Protection Switzerland and the Swiss section of the World Wide Fund for Nature.


Since 2000, the BGS has dedicated itself to projects to develop guide and test values ​​for the physical load on soils. these include the BGS soil science building supervision , soil information Switzerland and the revision of the classification of soils in Switzerland , which is currently under construction.


The organs are: • the general assembly • the executive committee • the auditors

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. § 7 of the statutes