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Boink (ger .: flachlegen ) is the title of an erotic magazine , the in-house by students of Boston University in the United States is published. The magazines H Bomb (Harvard University, USA) and Boink were the first "on-campus" erotic magazines worldwide. Each Boink issue has a circulation of 20,000 copies. In contrast to the previously published H Bomb , which was explicitly defined as non-pornographic and also had a literary and artistic focus, Boink was the first magazine of its kind to explicitly emphasize in the announcements that it would be a pornographic magazine that is produced exclusively by students .

The first edition of Boink appeared in February 2005; the magazine appears quarterly. In addition to erotic photography , it contains articles from various departments, all of which have an educational requirement in common.

The models are recruited exclusively from students from Boston University.

Students at other US universities also publish erotic magazines, some as official university publications, such as Vassar College ( Squirm ), Harvard University ( H Bomb ), the University of Pennsylvania ( Quake ), and the University of Chicago ( Vita Excolatur ) and Washington University in St. Louis ( X Magazine ).

In 2006 Warner Books acquired the rights to publish a book based on the magazine. This book was published in February 2008 under the title BOINK: College Sex by the People Having It .


  • Christopher Anderson, Alecia Oleourryk, Vanessa White: BOINK. College Sex by the People Having It . Grand Central et al., New York NY et al. 2008, ISBN 978-0-446-69875-7 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. A sex bomb at Harvard! : The Times of India , August 10, 2005
  2. The Porn Princess of BU ( June 7, 2007 memento on the Internet Archive ): Boston Magazine, January 2006
  3. Jenna Russell: BU students to get own sex magazine , The Boston Globe October 6, 2004
  4. Uni-Sex sells / Sex magazines that leave no questions unanswered are booming at US universities . : Article in UniSPIEGEL (1/2007) - February 12, 2007
  5. US UNIMAGAZINE. Sex and the Campus . : Article in UniSPIEGEL (1/2007) - March 15, 2007