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The Bolla ( also known as the Bullar in southern Albania ) is a dragon (or a demonic , dragon-like creature) with a long serpentine body, four legs and small wings from Albanian folklore .

This dragon sleeps all year round until it wakes up on St. George's Day and stares at the world with its silver compound eyes . He does this until he sees a person, devours him and closes his eyes in order to sleep again for a year. At the age of twelve, the bolla develops by acquiring nine tongues, horns, a spine and larger wings. During this time he learns how to breathe fire, which has been his hidden ability all along. From this point on it is called Kuçedra ( Hydra ). It causes droughts and water shortages and is only appeased by human sacrifice. The Kuçedra is sometimes described as a huge woman with a hairy body and sagging breasts.

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