Bonizzi Theler Foundation

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The Bonizzi-Theler Foundation from 1975 to 2009 Foundation for the Promotion of Human Medicine , based in Zurich .

The foundation was established in 1975 based on a will from Alberto Bonizzi-Theler by his wife Neni Bonizzi-Theler († November 25, 1982) and was later provided with additional funds. It sponsored scientific research projects in the field of medicine and related sciences, which aim to preserve and promote human life. Since 1988, the Bonizzi Theler Foundation has also awarded the Otto Naegeli Prize for the promotion of medical research every two years (named after the professor of internal medicine at the University of Zurich who died in 1938 ), one of the most important with a prize money of 200,000 francs scientific awards from Switzerland. The foundation also financed the Bonizzi-Theler Professorship for Functional Genomics at the Functional Genomics Center Zurich of the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, which opened in 2002 with CHF 2.5 million . The foundation was deleted from the Swiss commercial register on February 20, 2009.

Individual evidence

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