Boot configuration data

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Boot Configuration Data (BCD) is a firmware- independent database for configuration data that isrequiredduring booting ("start configuration data memory"). It replaces the “boot.ini” file that was used by the NT loader . BCD is used by Microsoft's Bootmgr . This boot manager is used in Windows versions from Windows Vista and later.

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Boot Configuration Data is stored in a data file in the same format as the Windows registry master keys . The file is usually either on the EFI - system partition (on machines that the Extensible Firmware Interface firmware use), or in the top level of the system partition or folder boot that partition (on machines that IBM PC -compatible firmware use).

The Boot Configuration Data are otherwise can not be changed as the boot.ini with an ordinary text editor to read and. Under Windows itself, only the extended system properties of the Control Panel / System or MSConfig allow restricted access. In order to view, add, delete or rename entries, the command line tool BCDEdit [.exe] provided by Microsoft is required. Complete access is possible via the Windows Management Instrumentation program interface, via RegEdit (the BCD file must first be attached using " Load structure") or via so-called 3rd party tools (i.e. tools from third parties ). The latter, for example EasyBCD , allow more advanced handling (with a graphical user interface ) and also offer support for operating systems other than Windows.

Boot Configuration Data contains the menu entries that are displayed by the Windows boot manager, similar to the file boot.inithat contained the menu entries that were displayed by the NT loader NTLDR. These menu items can contain:

  • The option to boot Windows by calling winload.exe .
  • The option to resume Windows from hibernation by calling winresume.exe .
  • The option to start an earlier version of Windows by invoking the NT Loader.
  • The option to load and run a boot sector , which may then start other boot loaders (e.g. GRUB ).

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Microsoft: Boot Configuration Data WMI Provider. In: Microsoft Platform SDK. May 31, 2018, accessed November 14, 2016 .