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The Borgarthing was one of the four regional things in Norway in the Middle Ages . The Thing meetings were held in Borg, what is now Sarpsborg , south of Oslo . The other three Norwegian things were gulathing , eidsivathing, and frostathing .

In the legal district of the Borgarthing, as in the other three thing provinces, a separate law initially applied, the Borgartingslagen (Borgarþingslög). This right was recorded in the first half of the 12th century, but has been lost except for fragments.

The name Borgarting has survived to the present day in the name of Borgarting lagmannsrett , one of the six higher courts in Norway, the seat of which is Oslo .

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Böldl, Andreas Vollmer, Julia Zernack (eds.): Isländer Sagas 1 , Frankfurt 2011, S. Fischer, ISBN 978-3-10-007622-9 , notes on page 846, paragraph 56
  2. ^ S. Bagge, Da boken kom til Norge. Norsk idéhistorie I, Oslo 2001.