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Dutch butter cake on baking sheet
Butter cake cut into pieces

Boterkoek or Dutch butter cake is a sheet cake used in Dutch cuisine .

In contrast to the similarly named butter cake in Germany , this cake is not made with milk or yeast dough , but with a simple shortcrust pastry . For the dough, flour, sugar and butter are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1: 1½, kneaded into a dough and distributed evenly in a springform pan. Finally, the dough is brushed with egg yolk and baked in the oven. After the cake has cooled, it is usually cut into small, square pieces. With more than 2100 kilojoules per 100 grams (500 kcal / 100 grams), the boterkoek has a particularly high energy content.

The cake is considered home cooking and is baked for everyday use because of its simplicity, but not for special occasions. The pieces are kept in a can and served with coffee and tea or simply eaten as a snack.

Individual evidence

  1. Nutrition table of the Dutch Center for Nutrition, Entrag: Boterkoek , accessed on May 20, 2020 (Dutch)
  2. ^ J. van Dam: De Dikke van Dam: van aardappel tot zwezerik , Nijgh & van Ditmar, Amsterdam, 2014.