Master of the Lucia Legend

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Retable of St-Nicolaus

Master of the Lucia Legend is the emergency name for an early Dutch painter who worked in Bruges from 1480 to 1501 and possibly even longer . Cityscapes of Bruges often appear in his works, for example in the depiction of St. Nicholas in the Bruges Groeninge Museum or in the portrait of Virgo inter virgines in the Royal Art Museum in Brussels. The artist is also known as Bruges Master of 1480 and Master of the Marriage of St. Catherine .


  • Didier Martens: The Bruges master of the Lucia legend. Balance of the research and new hypotheses In: Eesti kunstisidemed Madalmaadega 15.-17. sajandil , pp. 59-83

Web links

Commons : Master of the Lucia legend  - collection of images, videos and audio files