Brandenburg IT service provider

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The Brandenburg IT service ( ZIT-BB ) is the central IT service provider for the immediate Brandenburg state administration with headquarters in Potsdam .

The ZIT-BB belongs to the business area of ​​the Ministry of the Interior and for Municipal Affairs of the State of Brandenburg. In the ZIT-BB, the IT infrastructure of the state authorities, institutions and state companies as well as the cross-departmental specialist and cross-sectional procedures are being pooled step by step. The aim is to offer an efficient, professional IT service from a single source for the Brandenburg state administration.


The ZIT-BB emerged from the state company for data processing and IT service tasks , which existed until December 31, 2008. The first managing director of the ZIT-BB is Josef Nussbaum. He is represented by the second managing director ( MD W. d. G. b. ) Dieter Burkant.

Structures and tasks

ZIT-BB is a state company that is divided into four business areas.

The tasks of the Brandenburg IT service provider are defined in the establishment decree of the Ministry of the Interior. These include a.

  • Operational planning, provision and operation of the technical infrastructure and the cross-departmental specialist and cross-sectional procedures, in particular for the modernization of the administration, usually including the technical operation of the department-specific specialist procedures as well as advice on this subject to the security requirements
  • IT security management for IT infrastructure of the state administration; Operation of a computer emergency response team (CERT) to bundle operational security tasks
  • Observation and testing of professional, technical and organizational developments in the context of the general task
  • IT project management
  • Operational control of IT security management as well as advice and services in connection with data protection and IT security
  • Advice and support for the information officers' committee (RIO committee) on issues relating to IT use
  • Process development, maintenance and support for cross-sectional and cross-departmental specialist procedures, unless these are developed, maintained or supervised in associations in accordance with cross-border agreements
  • Training company for IT professions
  • IT training in accordance with an IT training program
  • Operation of the computer center and system support for the servers and clients of the Brandenburg police force, including user support for all procedures that are not specialized police procedures with increased security requirements
  • Operation of IT services for citizens. This includes the Maerker online portal , the state registration register and the Brandenburg regulation system BRAVORS.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the organization chart of the ZIT-BB
  2. Establishment decree for the ZIT-BB