Brand mark (novel)

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Brandzeichen (original: " Watchers ") is a novel by Dean Koontz from 1987. The German translation was published in 1988. The novel is about monstrosities that are hatched in highly secret, unchecked military laboratories.


It tells of a Golden Retriever equipped with human intelligence through genetic manipulation, later called Einstein by Travis Cornell, and of a misshapen creature that was bred exclusively to kill. Both manage to escape from a secret high-security wing. While the meek dog finds refuge with a former elite soldier, the monster disappears into the vast forests of California . His only endeavor is to kill the hated, loved by everyone else Golden Retriever, which he can smell hundreds of kilometers away. As a result, its new owner is, without realizing it, in extreme mortal danger.

The focus of the novel is above all the figure of the dog - appropriately called "Einstein" - who gradually reveals his human intelligence to his new surroundings. He frees a young woman from the hands of a rapist and brings her together with his new master. The three of them flee from an overwhelming enemy.

Equipped with human sensitivity and high intelligence, the misshapen creature leads a lonely life in the woods. The drive to annihilate planted through genetic manipulation forces people to kill and destroy. A simple melody or a Mickey Mouse picture leads to an almost childlike reaction. Similarities to the fictional character Frankenstein invented by Mary Shelley are unmistakable.


The novel " Watchers " was made into a film in 1988 and was released in 1989 in Germany under the title " Watchers - mercilessly hunted ". The films Watchers II (1990), Watchers 3 (1994) and Watchers Reborn (1998) are sequels or new versions .