Bremen Rescue Radio

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Bremen Rescue Radio
DGzRS logo
abbreviation MRCC Bremen
Paging name Bremen Rescue
MMSI 00 211 1240
VHF Channel 16
DSC Channel 70
Limit wave 2187.5 kHz
Cellular 124 124 (coastal area DE)
phone + 49-421-53687-0
Mail [email protected]
Web presence

Bremen Rescue Radio is the coastal radio station of the Bremen Sea Emergency Management with the nickname BREMEN RESCUE. As the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC), the Bremen Sea Emergency Management coordinates all measures of the Maritime Search and Rescue Service (SAR) in the German part of the North and Baltic Seas .


After the disappearance of the remaining coast station Norddeich Radio of Deutsche Telekom at 31 December 1998 was as part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System ( Global Maritime Distress and Safety System required GMDSS) to provide radio coverage of the German sea areas A1 and A2 sure. On January 12, 1999, the marine radio service was officially handed over to the German Society for Rescue of Shipwrecked People (DGzRS). Bremen Rescue Radio and the Bremen Sea Emergency Management are located in the DGzRS headquarters at Werderstrasse 2 in Bremen.

With this, Bremen Rescue Radio became responsible for the distress radio in the German sea areas of the North Sea and Baltic Sea within the scope of the GMDSS and handles all emergency and urgency radio traffic. BREMEN RESCUE can be reached at any time via Digital Selective Calling (DSC digital selective call) via the Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) 00 211 1240 . For this purpose, the VHF distress channels 16 and 70 as well as the limit wave (2187.5 kHz) are permanently monitored. Since the VHF range is only approx. 30 nautical miles (approx. 55 kilometers), 19 relay stations are operated along the 3,000-kilometer German coastline for monitoring purposes. Furthermore, BREMEN RESCUE can be reached in the usual international ways . In the coastal area with mobile phone coverage, the telephone number 124 124 and the landline number + 49-421-53687-0 are available.

See also

Web links