Bremen discount cash register

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The Bremer Discontokasse was a commercial bank for the Hanseatic city of Bremen . It was founded in 1817 to promote business in Bremen.

The share capital was 300,000 thalers gold . Thaler Gold is the name of the gold standard of Bremen's currency at that time and is about one thaler in value . The share capital was divided into 600 shares of 500 Thaler gold each. According to the money in circulation in Bremen at the beginning of the 19th century, the capital had to be paid in pistols of 5 thaler gold each. The Discontokasse accepted deposits worth at least 50 Reichstalers. The credit was secured by pledging the paid-in share capital. It was stipulated by law that the cash capital (the share fund ) could not fall below 100,000 thaler gold.

The shareholders of Bremer Discontokasse agreed in 1856 with additional investors to found Bremer Bank , in which the Discontokasse was merged. The Bremen branch of Commerzbank goes back to the Discontokasse via a merger with Dresdner Bank (1896).

Individual evidence

  1. Lexicon article Bremen in General Encyclopedia of Sciences and Arts in alphabetical order , edited by JS Ed and JG Gruber, Leipzig (1824). P. 452
  2. ^ Pierer's Universal Lexikon, Volume 2. Altenburg 1857, p. 280, Article Bank II ( Online )
  3. Christian Gottfried Daniel Stein (1819) Handbook of geography and statistics according to the latest views for the educated classes, high schools and schools, Volume 2. P. 708
  4. ^ Pierer's Universal Lexikon, Volume 2. Altenburg 1857, p. 280, Article Bank II ( Online )