Brake rattle

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Brake judder is a term used in automotive engineering . These are low-frequency (up to 100 Hz) vibrations of a motor vehicle, which are induced by its braking . They are characterized by periodic fluctuations in the braking torque .

A distinction is made between cold rub , which is characterized by a geometric deviation of the brake disc over the circumference (DTV - Disc Thickness Variation), and hot rub , in which additional effects come from local heat zones on the brake disc.

Brake judder manifests itself through the braking torque fluctuations that occur in a movement of the wheel carrier in the longitudinal direction of the vehicle. They are induced by manufacturing-related irregularities in the surface properties of the brake disc or by impact ( imbalance ) in the disc. The driver notices it by pulsing the brake pedal, steering wheel torsional vibrations and vibrations of the body ( seat rail ).

The industry is currently investigating these effects (status: 2005) with extensive tests, since fundamental theoretical design guidelines for brakes to avoid vibrations are not yet known. Therefore, as part of a joint project between universities and industry, attempts are being made to clarify the basic properties of the vibration excitation and thus create a basis for development.


  • Bert Breuer, Karlheinz H. Bill (Hrsg.): Brake manual - fundamentals, components, systems, driving dynamics. 2nd edition, Friedrich Vieweg '& Sohn Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2004, ISBN 978-3-322-99536-0 .

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