Brigate Autonomous Livornesi

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Fan block in the north curve of the Stadio Armando Picchi

The Brigate Autonome Livornesi ( Autonomous Brigades of Livorno ) are the largest Ultrà grouping of AS Livorno . For some time they were inactive as a group due to many stadium bans, but the members who were not banned from the stadium were still present behind the flag "Fino all'ultimo bandito" (Until the last bandit). This flag has not been hung since 2007 and some new groups have emerged ( Vecchie Origini Livornesi 1915 , Visitors , 1312, etc.). The BAL are now seen by most as dissolved, even if there was no official dissolution.

As such, they are known throughout Europe for their left-wing ("communist") attitudes. This can probably be traced back to the port worker tradition of the Italian coastal town of Livorno , where the Communist Party of Italy was founded in 1921 .

This group emerged in 1999 from the then banned Armata Stalinista and other Livorno Ultrà groups in order to join forces. It was put under pressure by the center-right government of Italy under Silvio Berlusconi .

The BAL maintain friendly contacts in Marseille with Commando Ultra 84 , in Athens with Original 21 (AEK Athens) as well as with various left Ultrà groups in Italy ( Freak Brothers Ternana , Fedayn Bronx Caserta , Allentati Fasano ...), with whom they form Resistance Ultras have joined forces. Its aim is to fight the numerous fascist ultras in Italy.