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The Brit's Stone was a foundling in the district of the city today Magdeburg belonging Westerhüsen .

The exact location and shape of the stone is unknown. The time and the reason for his disappearance are also not clear. It may have been used as a building material. Its existence is passed down through the old field name Britschenstein. There are several guesses as to the interpretation of the name. So the derivation of a personal name Britsch is not excluded. However, an interpretation of britse , britsche as a bed is also conceivable . This could be derived from a flat shape of the stone. Possibly it served as a punishment instrument in that delinquents were beaten or other punishments on it. Such bunk beds were, however, mainly used at festivals and competitions by the humorous festival steward as a rather joking punishment for violations of the festival order.


  • Werner Burghardt, The field names of Magdeburg and the district of Wanzleben , Böhlau Verlag Cologne Graz 1967, page 185 f.