Bruno I of Meissen

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Bruno I of Meissen († around 1065) was Bishop of Meissen from 1046 to 1065 .

In this early period of the Meissner bishopric, various chroniclers passed on different traditions and thus made it difficult to date the bishops. A bishop Meinward named at this time , who is said to have succeeded Eido II , has proven to be a transmission error by Reinward (1140-1150).

The existence of Bruno I is reliably proven by - only - three deeds of gift. Margrave of Meissen was to 1062 Wilhelm , the Otto I succeeded.


  • Eduard Machatschek : History of the bishops of the Meissen Monastery in chronological order (...) . Dresden 1884, pp. 55-60.
predecessor Office successor
Eido II Bishop of Meissen