Bund (unit)

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Bund is a historical German piece measure for thatch in reed roof construction with regionally dependent names. This was the basis for the calculation of the material consumption for a new roof to be covered.

  • 1 bundle = 1 bundle or sheaf, Schof, Schoof, Schob, Scheeb, Docke
  • 20 bundles = 1 lap or rose, Draaf, Draf
  • 60 frets = 1 shock
  • 100 frets = 1 Finn

The term Schof stands for one bundle and another for twenty bundles, a so-called bundle package.

See also


  • Gerhard Holzmann, Matthias Wangelin, Rainer Bruns: Natural and vegetable building materials: raw materials - building physics - construction. Springer-Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-83488-302-5 , p. 202.