League of Star Friends

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The Bund der Sternfreunde was a national association of German amateur astronomers . It was founded in 1921 by Robert Henseling , the then director and founder of the Stuttgart observatory and the associated planetarium.

Due to Henseling's fame as the author of popular astronomical books and the monthly magazine Die Sterne - magazine for all areas of celestial science , the association quickly gained thousands of members, through whom the organization of evening star tours was greatly promoted throughout Germany .

Under the Nazi rule, Henseling was banned from speaking, but the association was able to survive, thanks in part to the popular series of publications published by Kosmos . After the war, the Bund der Sternfreunde was re-established in the FRG in 1952 as the Association of Sternfreunde .


  • Robert Henseling (1929): Astronomy for All . Franckh'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart 1929
  • Stars and Space 1997/1: The magazine "Die Sterne". A look back .