Association of Polish Communists Proletariat

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Association of Polish Communists Proletariat Związek Komunistów Polskich "Proletariat"
founding July 7, 1990
Place of foundation Dąbrowa Górnicza
resolution 2002
Alignment Communism ,

The Union of Polish Communists "Proletariat" (Polish Związek Komunistów Polskich Proletariat ) was a political party founded in Poland in 1990 . It was in the tradition of the Polish United Workers' Party, which ruled until 1989 .


The Union of Polish Communists "Proletariat" was founded in 1990 in Dąbrowa Górnicza , which is also the seat of the party. The official registration on August 28, 1990 was preceded by an initiative meeting of Polish communists in Katowice on July 7, 1990. From 1991 to 1996 the federal government was part of the federal democratic left .


Following on from the PVAP tradition, the party advocated a socialist revolution with the subsequent establishment of a people 's democracy . To this end, a broad alliance of all against the economic and political reforms taking place in Poland since 1990 should be built.


In 2002, the Warsaw Regional Court ruled that the party was prohibited under Article 13 of the Polish Constitution (" The existence of political parties and other organizations that invoke the totalitarian methods and practices of Nazism, fascism and communism in their programs." ) is to be resolved. The successor party to the Union of Polish Communists "Proletariat" is the Communist Party of Poland , which was founded in the year the union was dissolved .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Opinion of the Polish Ministry of Justice (Polish)
  2. Dieter Bingen: "The Polish Social Democracy (SdRP / SLD). Legacy and voter mandate. Report of the Federal Institute for Eastern Scientific and International Studies No. 16/1998". Pp. 9-10
  3. ^ Krystyna Paszkiewicz: "Partie i koalicje polityczne III Rzeczypospolitej". Warsaw, 2004. p. 221
  4. Article 13 of the Polish Constitution (German)