Federal working group for rehabilitation

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The Federal Working Group for Rehabilitation (BAR) e. V. is an association for the promotion and coordination of the rehabilitation and participation of disabled people .

It is a joint representation of:

The SFA was founded in 1969 on the initiative of the social partners to ensure and shape rehabilitation in the overall system of social security - in particular through deregulation and decentralization as a better alternative to the trend towards state regulation.


In the German structured system of social security, rehabilitation is assigned to a large number of social benefit providers. In addition to the rehabilitation providers, there are a large number of other parties involved in the complex rehabilitation system (e.g. rehabilitation clinics, vocational rehabilitation facilities, disabled and self-help organizations, etc.) with whom coordination and cooperation must take place.

Continuous and comprehensive rehabilitation can only be guaranteed through coordination and cooperation. It must be ensured that questions of responsibility are clearly clarified and services are provided uniformly, that treatment at the place of residence is interlinked with treatment in the rehabilitation facilities in individual cases and that the content and timing of individual therapy measures are coordinated. The necessary framework conditions for this are being worked out nationwide by the Federal Rehabilitation Working Group (BAR).


According to the statutes, the SFA's primary goal and concern is to ensure that the rehabilitation services are carried out according to the same principles for the benefit of disabled and chronically ill people. With close cooperation and coordination of the service providers involved, the BAR strives for suitable rehabilitation with an interdisciplinary approach in interaction with specialist disciplines, professional groups and those affected.

In the provision of Section 20 (2a) SGB IX inserted by the law to strengthen competition in statutory health insurance (GKV-WSG), it is stipulated that the central associations of rehabilitation providers according to Section 6 (1) No. 1 and 3 to 5 SGB IX within the framework of the Federal Association for Rehabilitation (BAR) agree on basic requirements for an institution's internal quality management according to Section 20 (2) sentence 1 SGB IX as well as a uniform, independent certification process with which the successful implementation of quality management is verified at regular intervals.

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